
جمله انگلیسی با "violated" + تلفظ جملات

در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات violated را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه violated و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای violated، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه violated نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از violated در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه violated به کمک همین جملات با violated و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت violated می باشد.

در قسمت ذیل 175 جمله با violated برای شما آورده شده است. ضمناً شما می توانید با کلیک بر روی علامت بلندگو در کنار هر جمله، تلفظ جمله با violated را نیز گوش دهید.

جمله سازی با لغات مرتبط با violated به انگلیسی

جمله با violates جمله با violating جمله با violation جمله با violations جمله با violator جمله با violators جمله با viole جمله با violence جمله با violent جمله با violent death

(1) You've violated our trust.

(2) This is a woman being violated

(3) The law should not be violated.

(4) But all my dreams violated this law

(5) Tom violated the restraining order.

(6) Faouzi hasn't violated his contract.

(7) But all my dreams violated this law.

(8) Dan violated his parole three times.

(9) Tom has violated his parole three times.

(10) He was accused of having violated the law.

جمله با "violated"

(11) They believed it violated the laws of God.

(12) Bush never violated the Geneva Convention.

(13) It appeared that some had violated the law.

(14) This violated the rules of the police department.

(15) The fact of the matter is they have violated this agreement

(16) A commercial airplane allegedly violated military airspace.

(17) The driver violated the traffic rules; as a result, he was fined.

(18) He didn't mention the fact that they violated the Geneva convention

(19) We sued the insurance company because it violated the terms of our policy.

(20) He violated the red line in the sand, and he made so many mistakes, made all the mistakes

مثال برای "violated"

(21) So we have to show recognition of having violated the law, and that means payment of a fine

(22) I would propose -- I would propose cutting off all federal aid to any sanctuary city that deliberately violated federal law

(23) We should reimpose sanctions, they've already violated sanctions after this agreement was signed by testing medium-range missiles

(24) They unanimously concluded that he had violated the rules against unfair imitation as well as good business practices under marketing law.

(25) And to use that rhetoric suggests to people that somehow, if you're not willing to keep people here who violated the law, that you're anti- immigrant

(26) Now, at the same time, I said in that initial statement that if the evidence indicated that Edward Snowden violated the law, he should be prosecuted for violating the law

(27) Once government uses force to mold behavior or mold the economy, they've overstepped the bounds and they've violated the whole concept of our revolution and our Constitution

(28) had been violated.

(29) violated the rules?

(30) he violated my daughter.

جمله انگلیسی با کلمه "violated"

(31) you feel violated, right?

(32) if he hasn't violated the law

(33) we violated international law.

(34) she took it from me, violated me.

(35) you violated the prime directive.

(36) we have violated yet another taboo

(37) attacked, violated, and afflicted.

(38) brace yourself. we're about to be violated.

(39) tom, you violated our treaty with the dreads.

(40) then you should know how violated we all feel.

جمله انگلیسی با "violated"

(41) they have violated this deepseated social contract.

(42) which is that our expectation of privacy is violated

(43) you know, it's easy to feel violated, even paranoid.

(44) she violated your orifice with her nasty alien probe?

(45) those three violated the taboo of the sankisu spring.

(46) the tellarites have violated every accord we've made with them.

(47) hey! that's the one that violated my civil rights, right there!

(48) if persons over 18 years old are violated of their wellbeing or

(49) the bank violated its own sustainability policies in the process

(50) if you violated our marriage right in front of me, i'd be furious.

جمله انگلیسی در مورد "violated"

(51) these were wellestablished laws of physics that were being violated.

(52) in order to uphold the law, the dear subordinate that has violated it

(53) why would cavendish make it look like the comanche violated the treaty?

(54) listen, you violated three federal laws when you beat up shaw's ferrari.

(55) and me being with laurel violated that friendship in about 50 different ways.

(56) no, i won't be doing anything because my boss called my p.o. and he violated me.

(57) hehe violated that in hishis, in his role and what he was supposed to do for me.

(58) and these companies have not violated the labor standards act in the past 3 years.

(59) when he goes to connecticut, new york and california, he'll have violated federal law.

(60) violated, can invoke the provisions of the Constitution to exercise his or her right to bring a

جمله انگلیسی درباره "violated"

(61) and those that violated these regulations were recommending the less skilled to go into training.

(62) because you violated code section 104 to 118, which means you'll be charged with treason and murder.

(63) over 500 treaties signed with indigenous nations, were every single one of them now has been violated.

جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir

(64) if so, you would've violated one of the main clauses, and you'd lose all rights if your wife divorced you.

(65) What violated Natural Resources Defense Council regulations?

(66) Why is North Korea insisting that the 1953 armistice was violated

(67) Those who violated the charter were labelled pirates as early as 1603.

(68) What amendment did the administration believe the UNFPA funding violated

(69) What did the Pan American Health organization say these treatments violated?

(70) The evil cult was preparing to sacrifice the trader who violated their laws.

جمله با کلمه "violated"

(71) The kidnapping of the Duke of Enghien violated the sovereignty of what locale

(72) The stern monk frowned against actions that violated the praxis of his religion.

(73) What do some news commentators claim is violated by the restricted immigration proposal

(74) Protestors shouted that keeping the zoo animals in captivity violated their basic rights.

(75) What can happen to a political party if it has repeatedly violated the German Court System?

(76) The whistleblower reported his employer to the state after he violated several overtime laws.

(77) Where did activists want dogs kept out of neighborhoods because it violated religious freedom?

(78) Madison sought to accomplish this by demonstrating conclusively that the Acts violated the constitution.

(79) However violence still continued in KwazuluNatal which violated the trust between Mandela and de Klerk.

(80) Stalin's invasion of Bukovina in 1940 violated the pact, as it went beyond the Soviet sphere of influence agreed with the Axis

جمله برای "violated"

(81) The Continental System, which prohibited European nations from trading with Britain, was widely violated throughout his reign.

(82) The new teacher violated school protocol by going directly to the principal instead of first seeking out her grade level chair.

(83) DeStefano decision the court found 5-4 that New Haven's decision to ignore the test results violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

(84) The earth also is polluted under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant.

(85) In March 2003 SCO filed suit against IBM alleging LRB saying RRB that IBM s contributions to some free software including FSF s GNU violated SCO s rights.

(86) The Soviet Union challenged the legitimacy of the war for several reasons. What charter did the US believe was violated by intervening in the Korean conflict

(87) Formal discipline is administered by congregation elders. How long does Marking last if someone has willfully violated a Bible principle but didn't commit a serious sin?

(88) Federal contractors who failed to comply or violated the executive order were punished by contract cancellation and the possible debarment from future government contracts

(89) As a user requesting to be unblocked it is your responsibility to tell clearly and briefly in easily readable English why your block violated Wikipedia s blocking policy.

(90) What was the name of the case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the city of New Haven had violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by denying any firefighter a promotion

جمله سازی با "violated"

(91) It is also the only court possessing the power and authority to outlaw political parties, if it is deemed that these parties have repeatedly violated articles of the Constitution

(92) These messages should include the names or abbreviations of those of our site rules LRB the policies and guidelines RRB that the blocking administrator believes you have violated.

(93) Napoleon III responded with a show of force, sending the ship of the line Charlemagne to the Black Sea. Sending a ship to the Black Sea violated the terms made during what agreement?

(94) Later the industry acknowledged the working conditions for children were unsatisfactory and children's rights were sometimes violated and acknowledged the claims could not be ignored

(95) Infractions of the rules are punished with penalties, typically a loss of yardage of 5, 10 or 15 yards against the penalized team. What is the usual penalty when first downs are violated?

(96) If a party has materially violated or breached its treaty obligations, the other parties may invoke this breach as grounds for temporarily suspending their obligations to that party under the treaty

(97) had been violated.

(98) violated the rules?

(99) he violated my daughter.

(100) you feel violated, right?

جمله سازی با کلمه "violated"

(101) if he hasn't violated the law

(102) we violated international law.

(103) she took it from me, violated me.

(104) you violated the prime directive.

(105) we have violated yet another taboo

(106) attacked, violated, and afflicted.

(107) brace yourself. we're about to be violated.

(108) tom, you violated our treaty with the dreads.

(109) then you should know how violated we all feel.

(110) they have violated this deepseated social contract.

چند جمله با "violated"

(111) which is that our expectation of privacy is violated

(112) you know, it's easy to feel violated, even paranoid.

(113) she violated your orifice with her nasty alien probe?

(114) those three violated the taboo of the sankisu spring.

(115) What rights did the ACLU say the Patriot Act violated?

(116) the tellarites have violated every accord we've made with them.

(117) hey! that's the one that violated my civil rights, right there!

(118) if persons over 18 years old are violated of their wellbeing or

(119) the bank violated its own sustainability policies in the process

(120) if you violated our marriage right in front of me, i'd be furious.

کاربرد "violated"

(121) these were wellestablished laws of physics that were being violated.

(122) in order to uphold the law, the dear subordinate that has violated it

(123) why would cavendish make it look like the comanche violated the treaty?

(124) listen, you violated three federal laws when you beat up shaw's ferrari.

(125) and me being with laurel violated that friendship in about 50 different ways.

(126) no, i won't be doing anything because my boss called my p.o. and he violated me.

جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir

(127) hehe violated that in hishis, in his role and what he was supposed to do for me.

(128) and these companies have not violated the labor standards act in the past 3 years.

(129) when he goes to connecticut, new york and california, he'll have violated federal law.

(130) and those that violated these regulations were recommending the less skilled to go into training.

متن انگلیسی در مورد "violated"

(131) because you violated code section 104 to 118, which means you'll be charged with treason and murder.

(132) over 500 treaties signed with indigenous nations, were every single one of them now has been violated.

(133) if so, you would've violated one of the main clauses, and you'd lose all rights if your wife divorced you.

(134) a subject is followed by a verb then by an object), though this order is often violated because Hokkien dialects are topic-prominent

(135) Political color schemes in the United States diverge from international norms. What happened when other countries violated political color scheme norms in 2000

(136) Although no pastry is violated , this nasty comedy pokes fun at the same easy targets as other rowdy raunch-fests -- farts , boobs , unmentionables -- without much success .

(137) Infractions of the rules are punished with penalties, typically a loss of yardage of 5, 10 or 15 yards against the penalized team. What is the usual penalty when the rules of play are violated

(138) What is the modern definition of "violated"?

(139) How to Use "violated" with Example Sentences.

(140) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "violated" is, what would you say?

(141) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "violated" can get slippery.

(142) The Best Definition of "violated" I’ve Heard So Far.

(143) "violated" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note.

(144) What is the best definition of "violated"?

(145) What is the definition of an "violated"?

(146) What Is "violated"? Detailed Definition and Meaning.

(147) Use "violated" in a sentence.

(148) The Word "violated" in Example Sentences.

(149) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "violated".

(150) What is definition of "violated" by Merriam-Webster.

(151) "violated" in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...).

(152) How do you write a good sentence with "violated"?

(153) "violated" sentence examples.

(154) "violated": In a Sentence.

(155) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "violated".

(156) How do you explain "violated"?

(157) What can I say instead of "violated"?

(158) What is a synonym for "violated"?

(159) What is a antonym for "violated"?

(160) What do you mean by "violated"?

(161) What is another word for "violated"?

(162) What is the best definition of "violated"?

(163) What is "violated" definition and meaning?

(164) How to use "violated" in a sentence.

(165) The Word "violated" in Example Sentences.

(166) "violated" meaning in english, "violated" definitions.

(167) Primary meanings of "violated".

(168) Full definitions of "violated".

(169) Full meaning of "violated".

(170) The Word "violated" in Example Sentences.

(171) Best definition of "violated".

(172) Define "violated" in one sentence, define "violated" in one word.

(173) What is the meaning of "violated" in a sentence.

(174) The Word "violated" in Example Sentences.

(175) What is the origin and root of "violated".

نکاتی در خصوص اهمیت یادگیری جملات انگلیسی با violated

به جای حفظ کردن لغت violated ، جملات کوتاه با violated را حفظ کنید.

اگر واقعاً نمی توانید از حفظ کردن دل بکنید، به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی violated، جملات کوتاه مختلف با لغت violated را حفظ کنید. مثلاً به جای اینکه لغت “university” را به معنی “دانشگاه” حفظ کنید، عبارت “I go to university” به معنی “من به دانشگاه می روم” را حفظ کنید. وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی violated، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه violated را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از violated در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.

جمله سازی با کلمه violated

ساختن جمله با violated به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی violated است. اما برای اینکه مغز شما بتواند لغت violated را در آینده به یاد بیاورد، بهترین راه استفاده از روش زیر است:

با لغت violated ده جمله بسازید و در هر کدام از جملات معنای متفاوتی از واژه violated که می خواهید یاد بگیرید را به کار ببرید. با ساختن جمله از لغات جدید به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.

ساختار جملات انگلیسی با violated

شاید مهم ترین مفهوم در زبان، جمله باشد. یادگیری ساختار جمله (sentence structure) در انگلیسی و هر زبان دیگری امری بسیار ضروری است. هر زبانی گرامر خاص خودش دارد و بر اساس آن ساختار جمله مشخص می شود. همین نکته در مورد زبان انگلیسی هم صدق می کند. در این زبان هم در هر نوع جمله ای قواعد دستوری خاصی حکم فرما است و هر یک از آن ها نقش مهمی در رساندن دقیق منظورمان دارند.

یک جمله گروهی از کلمات می باشد که در کنار یکدیگر قرار میگیرند و هر کدام از این کلمات اطلاعات خاصی را به ما می دهند. این کلمات اغلب با هم فرق دارند و هر کدام نقش خاص خودشان را در جمله دارند. از مهمترین اجزاء هر جمله می توان به فعل Verb، اسم Noun، صفت Adjective، قید Adverb، حرف ربطی conjunctions، حرف اضافه preposition، حرف تعریف و ... اشاره کرد.

ساختار جملات انگلیسی را می توان به 4 دسته تقسیم کرد.

جمله ساده با violated

یک جمله ساده با violated از یک بند اصلی که شامل فعل و فاعل است، تشکیل شده که اطلاعات کاملی در مورد یک اتفاق یا حالت را به ما می دهد. قاعده کلی ساختار این جملات به صورت زیر است:

فاعل + فعل قابل صرف

جمله مرکب با violated

برخلاف جملات ساده، در جملات مرکب با violated، دو بند داریم که با حرف ربط (Conjunction) یا ویرگول (comma) به هم متصل می شوند. نکته ای که باید در این جا به آن توجه شود این است که از آن جایی که دو بندی که در ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با violated به کار برده می شوند، مستقل هستند، حتی به صورت جداگانه هم معنا می دهند. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با violated بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + حرف ربط همپایه ساز + بند مستقل

جمله پیچیده با violated

ساختار جمله پیچیده (complex sentence structure) با violated همانطور که از نامش پیداست کمی با جمله مرکب با violated فرق دارد. در جملات پیچیده با violated، در کنار بند مستقل می توان از یک بند وابسته هم استفاده کرد. یک بند وابسته شامل حرف ربط وابسته ساز (Subordinating conjunction) یا ضمیر موصولی (relative pronoun) است. یادتان باشد این بند با این که فاعل و فعل دارد اما ممکن است معنای کاملی نداشته باشد. بنابراین یک بند وابسته برای این که مفهوم کاملی داشته باشد، به یک بند مستقل نیاز دارد. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات پیچیده انگلیسی با violated بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + بند مستقل وابسته

جمله پیچیده – مرکب با violated

ساختار پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با violated همانطور که از نامش می توان حدس زد، ترکیبی است از جملات پیچیده و مرکب با لغت violated. یعنی از دو بند مستقل و یک بند وابسته تشکیل می شود. این بندها با حرف ربط همپایه ساز به هم متصل می شوند. ساختار جملات پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با violated بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + بند وابسته + حرف ربط + بند مستقل

– همواره سعی کنید در مکالمه و یا ترجمه فارسی به انگلیسی، از ساختار و کلماتی استفاده نمائید که خود افراد انگلیسی زبان (نیتیو) آن ساختار و کلمات را بکار می برند.

طبیعی است که برای این هدف لازم است شخص ترجمه کننده آنقدر متن انگلیسی خوانده باشد و نسبت به کالوکیشن ها و همایندهای زبان انگلیسی آشنا باشد تا بتواند به مانند انگلیسی زبان های نیتیو، مفهوم را منتقل کند.

مجدداً تاکید میکنیم که صرفاً با ابتکار و خلاقیت های شخصی، بدون تسلط به کالوکیشن های زبان انگلیسی به هیچ وجه این امر میسر نخواهد بود.

سوالات متداول جمله با violated

در این قسمت مهمترین سوالاتی که در خصوص جمله سازی با violated و کاربرد کلمه violated در جملات انگلیسی پرسیده می شود آورده شده است. امیدواریم با مطالعه این پاسخ ها به جواب مورد نظرتان دست پیدا کنید.

در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات violated را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه violated و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای violated، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه violated نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از violated در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه violated به کمک همین جملات با violated و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت violated می باشد.

وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی violated، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه violated را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از violated در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.

ساختن جمله با violated به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی violated است. با ساختن جمله برای لغت violated به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.

در صورتیکه این مطلب برای شما مفید بود، به ما امتیاز بدهید.

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