
جمله انگلیسی با "explicitly" + تلفظ جملات

در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات explicitly را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه explicitly و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای explicitly، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه explicitly نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از explicitly در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه explicitly به کمک همین جملات با explicitly و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت explicitly می باشد.

در قسمت ذیل 166 جمله با explicitly برای شما آورده شده است. ضمناً شما می توانید با کلیک بر روی علامت بلندگو در کنار هر جمله، تلفظ جمله با explicitly را نیز گوش دهید.

جمله سازی با لغات مرتبط با explicitly به انگلیسی

جمله با explicitness جمله با explode جمله با exploded جمله با explodes جمله با exploding جمله با exploit جمله با exploitation جمله با exploitative جمله با exploited جمله با exploiter

(1) I explicitly told Tom not to do that.

(2) The immigrant says things explicitly.

(3) I explicitly told Faouzi not to do that.

(4) They come here and explicitly explain it to us

(5) What he is a professor of is never explicitly stated

(6) What he is a professor of is never explicitly stated.

(7) I explicitly said do not enter the condemned building

(8) I explicitly said do not enter the condemned building.

(9) One must test explicitly for file names in the C shell

(10) One must test explicitly for file names in the C shell.

جمله با "explicitly"

(11) This can be done explicitly with the use of theta functions

(12) This can be done explicitly with the use of theta functions.

(13) Koering explicitly stated his sexual orientation a week later

(14) Koering explicitly stated his sexual orientation a week later.

(15) The government explicitly declared its intention to lower taxes.

(16) Fair market value is not explicitly defined in the Income Tax Act

(17) Fair market value is not explicitly defined in the Income Tax Act.

(18) The court explicitly declined to extend the rule to land use cases

(19) The court explicitly declined to extend the rule to land use cases.

(20) We can now check explicitly that the supertrace is basis independent

مثال برای "explicitly"

(21) We can now check explicitly that the supertrace is basis independent.

(22) Roughly speaking its output characteristics depend explicitly upon time

(23) Roughly speaking its output characteristics depend explicitly upon time.

(24) He hasn't said so explicitly, but he's let it be understood that I was lying.

(25) Lee gave a description without naming Wong explicitly in an interview with Black Belt

(26) Lee gave a description without naming Wong explicitly in an interview with Black Belt.

(27) With new explicitly correlated methods the basis set limit can be very closely approached

(28) With new explicitly correlated methods the basis set limit can be very closely approached.

(29) The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction says he is perhaps sfs most explicitly literary author

(30) It's not explicitly prohibited, but in fact it is not allowed either. It is a legal limbo.

جمله انگلیسی با کلمه "explicitly"

(31) The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction says he is perhaps sfs most explicitly literary author.

(32) I explicitly want to shrink the size of government; 22 percent over 10 years is not too much

(33) In many cases sterilization policies were not explicitly compulsory in that they required consent

(34) In many cases sterilization policies were not explicitly compulsory in that they required consent.

(35) I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves explicitly.

(36) While fleeing Thailand he wrote Red Siam Manifesto which explicitly criticised King Bhumibol Adulyadej

(37) While fleeing Thailand he wrote Red Siam Manifesto which explicitly criticised King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

(38) Secondly, they have to explicitly embrace the same freedoms for everybody else they want for themselves

(39) So it is explicitly a falsehood to suggest that a bill introduced under Mexico City policy would have paid for China's one-child policy

(40) and many people would explicitly say

جمله انگلیسی با "explicitly"

(41) and i'm asked explicitly for my consent

(42) implicitly or explicitly, there is a narrative

(43) so much more than what is explicitly expressed.

(44) is to make explicitly about the teaching of power.

(45) in fact, they're not there for explicitly racial reasons at all.

(46) i explicitly asked you to allow jack bauer to handle this alone!

(47) huntergatherer peoples explicitly go through this train of thought

(48) we made it explicitly clear to you... that we are no longer using sleeper agents.

(49) and explicitly train people how to contribute to, and benefit from other disciplines.

(50) she explicitly stated that kurosawa should be in the top ten among students of this school.

جمله انگلیسی در مورد "explicitly"

(51) nobody explicitly gave me permission to this, and they can't, until i'm on board the ares 4.

(52) What region was explicitly excluded?

(53) What does the personal copying exemption explicitly not need?

(54) Many artists viewed their work in explicitly political terms

(55) Copyright is explicitly extended to digital and any other means.

(56) He explicitly discussed several patients whom he knew to have been abused.

(57) What explicitly prefers a more stricter position regarding Passover dietary laws

(58) This category should only be added with the family of templates never explicitly.

(59) However, even though it is now standard, many announcers will explicitly state this (e

(60) Note that if the character appears in the text the parameter must be explicitly specified as.

جمله انگلیسی درباره "explicitly"

(61) The Pakistan Constitution does not explicitly make mention of sexual orientation or gender identity.

(62) But they did not explicitly exclude the possibility of the existence of a set that belongs to itself.

(63) It is admitted that the doctrine as defined by Pius IX was not explicitly mooted before the 12th century

جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir

(64) Furthermore, freemasons all across Europe explicitly linked themselves to the Enlightenment as a whole.

(65) After he died, the man’s body was carried should-high on a wooden bier explicitly designed for his burial.

(66) At the outset of the training process, the safety rules were explicitly stated so that no one would get hurt.

(67) In 1920 he proposed explicitly a research project in metamathematics which became known as Hilbert s program.

(68) In this case the parameter must be specified explicitly by using 1 before the argument as in these examples .

(69) Natural phonology is a theory based on the publications of its proponent David Stampe in 1969 and (more explicitly) in 1979

(70) When defining the dogma in Ineffabilis Deus, Pope Pius IX explicitly affirmed that Mary was redeemed in a manner more sublime

جمله با کلمه "explicitly"

(71) Members from the trade unions would also have to explicitly "opt in" rather than "opt out" of paying a political levy to Labour

(72) The camera may also report the SOS-based speed (explicitly as being an SOS speed), rounded to the nearest standard speed rating.

(73) Unlike its predecessor, the 1983 Code of Canon Law did not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies it condemns

(74) In some countries, the personal copying exemption explicitly requires that the content being copied was obtained legitimately – i

(75) It seems to have been St Bernard of Clairvaux who, in the 12th century, explicitly raised the question of the Immaculate Conception

(76) While the term "law" is never explicitly defined in the Code, the Catechism of the Catholic Church cites Aquinas in defining law as ".

(77) The idea of trading symbolic currency for actual goods is a social construct, one created by humans and used almost explicitly by them.

(78) The 1987 Philippine Constitution also explicitly grants to the Supreme Court the power of judicial review over laws and executive actions

(79) Popups Popup windows are scoped to the tab they came from and will not appear outside the tab unless the user explicitly drags them out.

(80) The client may have made many changes to the datum in the cache After it is done it may explicitly tell the cache to write back the datum.

جمله برای "explicitly"

(81) Some of these churches are known as Anglican explicitly recognizing the link to England LRB Ecclesia Anglicana means Church of England RRB.

(82) One of the earliest Sanskrit literatures to explicitly identify Chanakya with Vishnugupta was Vishnu Sarma s Panchatantra in the 3rd century BC.

(83) They claim that "the molecular and biochemical proponents of this model explicitly use racial categories in their initial grouping of samples".

(84) It is admitted that the doctrine as defined by Pius IX was not explicitly mooted before the 12th century. What phrases were used to describe Mary

(85) According to conservation of energy, energy can neither be created (produced) nor destroyed by itself. whose interactions depend explicitly on time

(86) Canonical jurisprudential theory generally follows the principles of Aristotelian-Thomistic legal philosophy. What term is explicitly defined in the code

(87) The Ten Commandments are not explicitly mentioned in the Qur an but each is implied by the following verses in the Quran LRB using Jewish numbering RRB .

(88) In addition the first sentence of article 3 explicitly states that The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states .

(89) It is the second of Harrison s songs to be explicitly influenced by Indian classical music after Love You To and Harrison s only composition on Sgt Pepper.

(90) Jefferson Davis and other southern secessionist leaders were unfavourably compared to Arnold implicitly and explicitly likening the idea of secession to treason.

جمله سازی با "explicitly"

(91) He is best known because he invented the term lateral thinking LRB structured creativity RRB He is also very much in favor to explicitly teach thinking in schools.

(92) Qing law explicitly stated that the traditional four occupational groups of scholars, farmers, artisans and merchants were "good", or having a status of commoners.

(93) Natural phonology is a theory based on the publications of its proponent David Stampe in 1969 and (more explicitly) in 1979. Who was the founder of active utterance?

(94) Natural phonology is a theory based on the publications of its proponent David Stampe in 1969 and (more explicitly) in 1979. Who is the number two universal processor?

(95) It is admitted that the doctrine as defined by Pius IX was not explicitly mooted before the 12th century. Whose teachings on the sinlessness of Mary only include Original Sin

(96) Natural phonology is a theory based on the publications of its proponent David Stampe in 1969 and (more explicitly) in 1979. Whose publications started the theory of universal input

(97) The Russian Empire had entered a more aggressive phase, becoming militarily active against the Ottoman Empire and also against China, with territorial aggrandizement explicitly in mind

(98) The Constitution of some countries like Canada and India, on the other hand, state that powers not explicitly granted to the provincial governments are retained by the federal government

(99) The Constitution does not explicitly indicate the pre-eminence of any particular branch of government. Which document explicitly indicates pre-eminence of the executive branch of government

(100) The Constitution does not explicitly indicate the pre-eminence of any particular branch of government. Which document explicitly indicates pre-eminence of the judicial branch of government?

جمله سازی با کلمه "explicitly"

(101) He is the earliest Greek poet who claims explicitly to be writing for future generations creating fame that will reach all of Greece and never die while the Greek kind of songs survives .

(102) Theodore Roosevelt, for instance, claimed that the president was permitted to do whatever was not explicitly prohibited by the law—in direct contrast to his immediate successor, William Howard Taft

(103) It seems to have been St Bernard of Clairvaux who, in the 12th century, explicitly raised the question of the Immaculate Conception. Who raised the question of the Immaculate Conception in the 1200s?

(104) and many people would explicitly say

(105) Not only did he explicitly cite St.

(106) and i'm asked explicitly for my consent

(107) implicitly or explicitly, there is a narrative

(108) so much more than what is explicitly expressed.

(109) is to make explicitly about the teaching of power.

(110) What does the written score not usually contain explicitly

چند جمله با "explicitly"

(111) in fact, they're not there for explicitly racial reasons at all.

(112) i explicitly asked you to allow jack bauer to handle this alone!

(113) huntergatherer peoples explicitly go through this train of thought

(114) we made it explicitly clear to you... that we are no longer using sleeper agents.

(115) On the other hand, many southern states explicitly required separation of powers

(116) and explicitly train people how to contribute to, and benefit from other disciplines.

(117) she explicitly stated that kurosawa should be in the top ten among students of this school.

(118) nobody explicitly gave me permission to this, and they can't, until i'm on board the ares 4.

(119) Douglas worried explicitly about racial discrimination in enforcement of the death penalty.

(120) Eisenhower explicitly defended his strong position against Britain and France in his memoirs, which were published in 1965

کاربرد "explicitly"

(121) Both funding schemes explicitly excluded project ideas that relied on centralized sewerage systems or are not compatible with development country contexts.

(122) The Damascene's hymnongraphy and De fide Orthodoxa explicitly use Mary's "pre purification" as a key to understanding her absolute holiness and unsullied human nature.

(123) In some countries, the personal copying exemption explicitly requires that the content being copied was obtained legitimately – i. What does the personal copying exemption explicitly need?

(124) The Constitution does not explicitly indicate the pre-eminence of any particular branch of government. Where did the Constitution write that it's not possible to give each department equal power

(125) It seems to have been St Bernard of Clairvaux who, in the 12th century, explicitly raised the question of the Immaculate Conception. What Pope's definition of conception agreed with St. Bernard's

(126) One of the first quantum effects to be explicitly noticed (but not understood at the time) was a Maxwell observation involving hydrogen, half a century before full quantum mechanical theory arrived

جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir

(127) In some countries, the personal copying exemption explicitly requires that the content being copied was obtained legitimately – i. What is an example of a country that the exemption wasn't assumed?

(128) Older or stripped-down systems may support only the TZ values required by POSIX, which specify at most one start and end rule explicitly in the value. When must TZ values be changed on an older system

(129) What is the modern definition of "explicitly"?

(130) How to Use "explicitly" with Example Sentences.

(131) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "explicitly" is, what would you say?

(132) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "explicitly" can get slippery.

(133) The Best Definition of "explicitly" I’ve Heard So Far.

(134) "explicitly" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note.

(135) What is the best definition of "explicitly"?

(136) What is the definition of an "explicitly"?

(137) What Is "explicitly"? Detailed Definition and Meaning.

(138) Use "explicitly" in a sentence.

(139) The Word "explicitly" in Example Sentences.

(140) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "explicitly".

(141) What is definition of "explicitly" by Merriam-Webster.

(142) "explicitly" in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...).

(143) How do you write a good sentence with "explicitly"?

(144) "explicitly" sentence examples.

(145) "explicitly": In a Sentence.

(146) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "explicitly".

(147) How do you explain "explicitly"?

(148) What can I say instead of "explicitly"?

(149) What is a synonym for "explicitly"?

(150) What is a antonym for "explicitly"?

(151) What do you mean by "explicitly"?

(152) What is another word for "explicitly"?

(153) What is the best definition of "explicitly"?

(154) What is "explicitly" definition and meaning?

(155) How to use "explicitly" in a sentence.

(156) The Word "explicitly" in Example Sentences.

(157) "explicitly" meaning in english, "explicitly" definitions.

(158) Primary meanings of "explicitly".

(159) Full definitions of "explicitly".

(160) Full meaning of "explicitly".

(161) The Word "explicitly" in Example Sentences.

(162) Best definition of "explicitly".

(163) Define "explicitly" in one sentence, define "explicitly" in one word.

(164) What is the meaning of "explicitly" in a sentence.

(165) The Word "explicitly" in Example Sentences.

(166) What is the origin and root of "explicitly".

نکاتی در خصوص اهمیت یادگیری جملات انگلیسی با explicitly

به جای حفظ کردن لغت explicitly ، جملات کوتاه با explicitly را حفظ کنید.

اگر واقعاً نمی توانید از حفظ کردن دل بکنید، به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی explicitly، جملات کوتاه مختلف با لغت explicitly را حفظ کنید. مثلاً به جای اینکه لغت “university” را به معنی “دانشگاه” حفظ کنید، عبارت “I go to university” به معنی “من به دانشگاه می روم” را حفظ کنید. وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی explicitly، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه explicitly را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از explicitly در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.

جمله سازی با کلمه explicitly

ساختن جمله با explicitly به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی explicitly است. اما برای اینکه مغز شما بتواند لغت explicitly را در آینده به یاد بیاورد، بهترین راه استفاده از روش زیر است:

با لغت explicitly ده جمله بسازید و در هر کدام از جملات معنای متفاوتی از واژه explicitly که می خواهید یاد بگیرید را به کار ببرید. با ساختن جمله از لغات جدید به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.

ساختار جملات انگلیسی با explicitly

شاید مهم ترین مفهوم در زبان، جمله باشد. یادگیری ساختار جمله (sentence structure) در انگلیسی و هر زبان دیگری امری بسیار ضروری است. هر زبانی گرامر خاص خودش دارد و بر اساس آن ساختار جمله مشخص می شود. همین نکته در مورد زبان انگلیسی هم صدق می کند. در این زبان هم در هر نوع جمله ای قواعد دستوری خاصی حکم فرما است و هر یک از آن ها نقش مهمی در رساندن دقیق منظورمان دارند.

یک جمله گروهی از کلمات می باشد که در کنار یکدیگر قرار میگیرند و هر کدام از این کلمات اطلاعات خاصی را به ما می دهند. این کلمات اغلب با هم فرق دارند و هر کدام نقش خاص خودشان را در جمله دارند. از مهمترین اجزاء هر جمله می توان به فعل Verb، اسم Noun، صفت Adjective، قید Adverb، حرف ربطی conjunctions، حرف اضافه preposition، حرف تعریف و ... اشاره کرد.

ساختار جملات انگلیسی را می توان به 4 دسته تقسیم کرد.

جمله ساده با explicitly

یک جمله ساده با explicitly از یک بند اصلی که شامل فعل و فاعل است، تشکیل شده که اطلاعات کاملی در مورد یک اتفاق یا حالت را به ما می دهد. قاعده کلی ساختار این جملات به صورت زیر است:

فاعل + فعل قابل صرف

جمله مرکب با explicitly

برخلاف جملات ساده، در جملات مرکب با explicitly، دو بند داریم که با حرف ربط (Conjunction) یا ویرگول (comma) به هم متصل می شوند. نکته ای که باید در این جا به آن توجه شود این است که از آن جایی که دو بندی که در ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با explicitly به کار برده می شوند، مستقل هستند، حتی به صورت جداگانه هم معنا می دهند. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با explicitly بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + حرف ربط همپایه ساز + بند مستقل

جمله پیچیده با explicitly

ساختار جمله پیچیده (complex sentence structure) با explicitly همانطور که از نامش پیداست کمی با جمله مرکب با explicitly فرق دارد. در جملات پیچیده با explicitly، در کنار بند مستقل می توان از یک بند وابسته هم استفاده کرد. یک بند وابسته شامل حرف ربط وابسته ساز (Subordinating conjunction) یا ضمیر موصولی (relative pronoun) است. یادتان باشد این بند با این که فاعل و فعل دارد اما ممکن است معنای کاملی نداشته باشد. بنابراین یک بند وابسته برای این که مفهوم کاملی داشته باشد، به یک بند مستقل نیاز دارد. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات پیچیده انگلیسی با explicitly بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + بند مستقل وابسته

جمله پیچیده – مرکب با explicitly

ساختار پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با explicitly همانطور که از نامش می توان حدس زد، ترکیبی است از جملات پیچیده و مرکب با لغت explicitly. یعنی از دو بند مستقل و یک بند وابسته تشکیل می شود. این بندها با حرف ربط همپایه ساز به هم متصل می شوند. ساختار جملات پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با explicitly بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + بند وابسته + حرف ربط + بند مستقل

– همواره سعی کنید در مکالمه و یا ترجمه فارسی به انگلیسی، از ساختار و کلماتی استفاده نمائید که خود افراد انگلیسی زبان (نیتیو) آن ساختار و کلمات را بکار می برند.

طبیعی است که برای این هدف لازم است شخص ترجمه کننده آنقدر متن انگلیسی خوانده باشد و نسبت به کالوکیشن ها و همایندهای زبان انگلیسی آشنا باشد تا بتواند به مانند انگلیسی زبان های نیتیو، مفهوم را منتقل کند.

مجدداً تاکید میکنیم که صرفاً با ابتکار و خلاقیت های شخصی، بدون تسلط به کالوکیشن های زبان انگلیسی به هیچ وجه این امر میسر نخواهد بود.

سوالات متداول جمله با explicitly

در این قسمت مهمترین سوالاتی که در خصوص جمله سازی با explicitly و کاربرد کلمه explicitly در جملات انگلیسی پرسیده می شود آورده شده است. امیدواریم با مطالعه این پاسخ ها به جواب مورد نظرتان دست پیدا کنید.

در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات explicitly را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه explicitly و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای explicitly، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه explicitly نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از explicitly در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه explicitly به کمک همین جملات با explicitly و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت explicitly می باشد.

وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی explicitly، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه explicitly را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از explicitly در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.

ساختن جمله با explicitly به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی explicitly است. با ساختن جمله برای لغت explicitly به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.

در صورتیکه این مطلب برای شما مفید بود، به ما امتیاز بدهید.

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