
جمله انگلیسی با "experience" + تلفظ جملات

در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات experience را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه experience و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای experience، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه experience نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از experience در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه experience به کمک همین جملات با experience و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت experience می باشد.

در قسمت ذیل 578 جمله با experience برای شما آورده شده است. ضمناً شما می توانید با کلیک بر روی علامت بلندگو در کنار هر جمله، تلفظ جمله با experience را نیز گوش دهید.

جمله سازی با لغات مرتبط با experience به انگلیسی

جمله با experienced جمله با experiences جمله با experiencing جمله با experiential جمله با experiment جمله با experiment on جمله با experimental جمله با experimental method جمله با experimental psychology جمله با experimentalist

(1) He lacks experience.

(2) I have no experience.

(3) Tom lacks experience.

(4) It's my life experience

(5) We learn by experience.

(6) I speak from experience.

(7) It was a good experience.

(8) And you do have experience

(9) That wasn't my experience.

(10) We all learn by experience.

جمله با "experience"

(11) It was quite an experience.

(12) That was a good experience.

(13) He had a bitter experience.

(14) I had a similar experience.

(15) What a terrible experience!

(16) I have had experience since

(17) That is a lot of experience

(18) Do you have any experience?

(19) I had an amazing experience.

(20) The experience was draining.

مثال برای "experience"

(21) Do you have work experience?

(22) It was a strange experience.

(23) I had a terrible experience.

(24) It wasn't a good experience.

(25) It's a hell of a experience.

(26) We need Faouzi's experience.

(27) I have had experience since.

(28) I've had a little experience

(29) I have experience doing that

(30) We learn much by experience.

جمله انگلیسی با کلمه "experience"

(31) He is lacking in experience.

(32) Tom has a lot of experience.

(33) It was an amazing experience.

(34) People learn from experience.

(35) He had a terrible experience.

(36) I have a different experience

(37) I'm speaking from experience.

(38) It was a humbling experience.

(39) It would be a good experience.

(40) It was a traumatic experience.

جمله انگلیسی با "experience"

(41) Did you have a bad experience?

(42) My experience is in leadership

(43) He exaggerated his experience.

(44) I haven't all that experience.

(45) He has experience in business.

(46) We learn much from experience.

(47) We learn a lot from experience.

(48) That was a valuable experience.

(49) It was a bittersweet experience

(50) So I have experience doing this

جمله انگلیسی در مورد "experience"

(51) He has not a little experience.

(52) He is a man of wide experience.

(53) You have no driving experience.

(54) He had a near-death experience.

(55) Tom wrote about his experience.

(56) Tom has very little experience.

(57) What matters is the experience.

(58) That hasn't been my experience.

(59) It was an incredible experience.

(60) I had an out-of-body experience.

جمله انگلیسی درباره "experience"

(61) He described his own experience.

(62) I had a similar experience once.

(63) I'm afraid I have no experience.

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(64) No prior experience is required.

(65) It was a bittersweet experience.

(66) The experience will do you good.

(67) What job experience do you have?

(68) She had a near-death experience.

(69) Tom had a near-death experience.

(70) How much experience do you have?

جمله با کلمه "experience"

(71) Tom has no practical experience.

(72) You don't have enough experience.

(73) That was a new experience for me.

(74) She's had the experience doing it

(75) It was an excruciating experience

(76) He failed for want of experience.

(77) Many lacked political experience.

(78) I'm living a mystical experience.

(79) He had an out-of-body experience.

(80) It was an eye-opening experience.

جمله برای "experience"

(81) Do you have any sales experience?

(82) I have some experience with this.

(83) It was not a pleasant experience.

(84) This is a new experience for Tom.

(85) Tom was shaken by the experience.

(86) Tom lacks experience, doesn't he?

(87) Ten points for experience herself.

(88) I'll never forget this experience.

(89) He doesn't have enough experience.

(90) Faouzi had a traumatic experience.

جمله سازی با "experience"

(91) Think of a very simple experience!

(92) I say this from my own experience.

(93) No previous experience is required

(94) They are looking to our experience

(95) He has a great deal of experience.

(96) She lacks experience, doesn't she?

(97) She had an out-of-body experience.

(98) I've got more experience than Tom.

(99) I just wish I had more experience.

(100) Tom lied about his job experience.

جمله سازی با کلمه "experience"

(101) He found the experience enjoyable.

(102) Tom has more experience than I do.

(103) Knowledge deepens with experience.

(104) I know this from bitter experience.

(105) I have more experience than Faouzi.

(106) It was a pretty amazing experience.

(107) She has never had a bad experience.

(108) No previous experience is required.

(109) Together they render the experience

(110) And I know from personal experience

چند جمله با "experience"

(111) There are differences in experience

(112) Have a wonderful eating experience.

(113) His belief is rooted in experience.

(114) He has long experience in teaching.

(115) Language reflects daily experience.

(116) She doesn't have enough experience.

(117) She found the experience enjoyable.

(118) Tom found the experience enjoyable.

(119) It was a nerve-wracking experience.

(120) Tom doesn't have enough experience.

کاربرد "experience"

(121) What's important is the experience.

(122) We just had a near-life experience!

(123) Faouzi has the experience necessary.

(124) Faouzi has the necessary experience.

(125) Do you have professional experience?

(126) Together they render the experience.

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(127) Its close to an outofbody experience

(128) Anyway, I'm getting more experience.

(129) It's a wholly new experience for me.

(130) The experience gave him the courage.

متن انگلیسی در مورد "experience"

(131) He has experience of foreign travel.

(132) Tom thinks it was a good experience.

(133) He has a lot of teaching experience.

(134) We may experience some difficulties.

(135) Tom found the experience terrifying.

(136) She has more experience than others.

(137) Wisdom is the daughter of experience

(138) It was a new experience for everyone.

(139) Its close to an outofbody experience.

(140) Heck, it'll be a wonderful experience

مثال با "experience"

(141) I also have private sector experience

(142) Natto reminds me of a bad experience.

(143) Has he got any experience of farming?

(144) He has little experience in teaching.

(145) He has both experience and knowledge.

(146) The young engineer lacked experience.

(147) It's a once in a lifetime experience.

(148) I can speak from personal experience.

(149) The experience caused Tom great pain.

(150) Tom found the experience frustrating.

جمله سازی با کلمه "experience"

(151) It was a very pleasurable experience.

(152) I had a strange experience last night.

(153) His ideas are based on his experience.

(154) We had an unpleasant experience there.

(155) [applause]But it's bad, bad experience

(156) It was a very good experience for him.

(157) University was a wonderful experience.

(158) Wisdom cannot come without experience.

(159) He has experience as well as learning.

(160) Tom has far more experience than Mary.

تاپیک سنتز برای "experience"

(161) Tom is a man of wisdom and experience.

(162) Tom has almost no experience of women.

(163) I'll never forget my first experience.

(164) That was truly a wonderful experience!

(165) Tom found the experience exhilarating.

(166) How much field experience do you have?

(167) You need more experience for this job.

(168) I don't have as much experience as you.

(169) I had a pleasant experience on my trip.

(170) She's (a/the ?) candidate of experience

جملات "experience"

(171) Young as he is, he has much experience.

(172) He has experience as well as knowledge.

(173) We can all benefit from his experience.

(174) He came through that experience safely.

(175) Tom is the one with experience, not me.

(176) How much actual experience do you have?

(177) He has knowledge and experience as well.

(178) I got years of experience in courtrooms.

(179) And that experience is how I'll beat him

(180) That skill, that experience is essential

جمله "experience"

(181) Please write about your real experience.

(182) He has not only learning but experience.

(183) They inquired about his past experience.

(184) He still has no experience for this job.

(185) I've got a lot more experience than Tom.

(186) I have a lot of experience in computers.

(187) He has a lot of experience in computers.

(188) breathe in experience breathe out poetry

(189) The trouble is that she lacks experience.

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(190) Faouzi has far more experience than Mary.

کاربرد کلمه "experience" در انگلیسی

(191) Most people want to experience happiness.

(192) The story is based on his own experience.

(193) The earthquake was a terrible experience.

(194) He has knowledge, and experience as well.

(195) You might avoid an unpleasant experience.

(196) My advice is predicated on my experience.

(197) He has more experience on the job than I.

(198) He turned his experience to good account.

(199) Tom has a lot of experience in computers.

(200) This week has been an amazing experience.

استفاده از "experience" در جمله

(201) She has a lot of experience in computers.

(202) We have a lot of experience in computers.

(203) Life is a continuous learning experience.

(204) The experience soured his outlook on life.

(205) It was the greatest experience of my life.

(206) Have you ever had a near death experience?

(207) This is a common experience with all of us

(208) I know this sadly from personal experience

(209) I hope you believe that experience matters

(210) Well, I learned a lot from that experience

(211) You have knowledge and experience as well.

(212) It was the best experience in all my life.

(213) Many a person has had the same experience.

(214) What experience do you have in this field?

(215) Mary has a lot of experience in computers.

(216) He has some experience in teaching English.

(217) This is a common experience with all of us.

(218) The car crash was a bad experience for her.

(219) His experience qualifies him to do the job.

(220) Miscarriage is a heart-breaking experience.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For "experience" | "experience" Sentence

(221) I have a lot more experience than Tom does.

(222) Meeting Tom was quite an experience for me.

(223) They have a lot of experience in computers.

(224) This was an experience that opened my eyes.

(225) Tom said you had some experience with this.

(226) The only source of knowledge is experience.

(227) This experience counts for much in his life.

(228) I will keep this experience in mind forever.

(229) He has quite a lot of experience in driving.

(230) Tom has much more experience than Mary does.

(231) I have some experience in that area as well.

(232) Tom had a near death experience last summer.

(233) The experience had a profound impact on Tom.

(234) I embrace my experience and value my wisdom.

(235) That experience left a bad taste in my mouth.

(236) I think a part-time job is a good experience.

(237) I do not know how far my experience is common

(238) She's got experience, but it's bad experience

(239) Our journey by camel was quite an experience.

(240) I often experience palpitations of the heart.

How do you write a good sentence with "experience"?

(241) He has much practical experience as a doctor.

(242) He failed in business for lack of experience.

(243) I do not know how far my experience is common.

(244) I have the work experience you are looking for

(245) We cannot exclude feeling from our experience.

(246) That was quite an experience we had yesterday.

(247) Whatever you experience is what you must feel.

(248) Her genius makes up for her lack of experience.

(249) I have the work experience you are looking for.

(250) Hillary has experience, but it's bad experience

(251) You've got a bit of experience, I would imagine

(252) The young engineer was deficient in experience.

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(253) He has no knowledge, not to mention experience.

(254) She gave a narrative of her strange experience.

(255) To study abroad will be a wonderful experience.

(256) This is my second experience flying on a plane.

(257) Life experience is the chief body of knowledge.

(258) We have experience in systemonchip manufacturing

(259) Well, let's be clear when it comes to experience

(260) It's time for real substance and real experience

English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "experience".

(261) Diligence may compensate for lack of experience.

(262) Jane is not capable of learning from experience.

(263) This experience will always remain in my memory.

(264) This kind of experience is familiar to everyone.

(265) I experience nausea when I go on too many rides.

(266) Taking care of animals is a valuable experience.

(267) Please post here if you experience any problems.

(268) Tom said he had a terrible experience in Boston.

(269) She has valuable experience working in theaters.

(270) Pregnant women often experience morning sickness.

(271) He referred to his past experience in his speech.

(272) but he says that he has yet to experience someone

(273) We have experience in systemonchip manufacturing.

(274) But experience is not the only point, judgment is

(275) I'll make allowances for your lack of experience.

(276) This kind of experience is familiar to everybody.

(277) This experience will do you good in the long run.

(278) His view of life is based on his long experience.

(279) By and by you will forget the painful experience.

(280) I'll never forget the experience I had yesterday.

How to Use "experience" with Example Sentences.

(281) He also has experience on the bass and tin whistle

(282) I know a little bit about the immigrant experience

(283) And that's because you have to have the experience

(284) At any rate, it will be a good experience for you.

(285) He is fresh from college, so he has no experience.

(286) Two months ago I did work experience in a factory.

(287) These things I've told you I know from experience.

(288) For most of them, this is quite a rare experience.

(289) An "experience" is a nightmare in preterite tense.

(290) You'll begin to experience the effects of hypoxia.

(291) What is written is merely the dregs of experience.

(292) You must make allowance for his lack of experience.

(293) He had little experience with international issues.

(294) He also has experience on the bass and tin whistle.

(295) Have you had any experience with this kind of work?

(296) He does well considering that he has no experience.

(297) Tell us a cultural experience you have experienced.

(298) This job will provide you with valuable experience.

(299) She is fresh from college, so she has no experience.

(300) The experience in the coffin was literally immersive

(301) The salary is fixed according to age and experience.

(302) Enjoy the experience of a relaxing day at Karuizawa.

(303) Mary had an out-of body experience while meditating.

(304) I cannot assemble this engine. I have no experience.

(305) For experience and learning, eternity is not enough.

(306) I'm the only one here who has experience doing this.

(307) The experience gave him an advantage over the others.

(308) The experience in the coffin was literally immersive.

(309) I dont blame you Rick but I have had experience since

(310) Most businesses experience hardships in the beginning

(311) If you experience further problems please let me know

(312) That might be the most painful experience in my life.

(313) The story reminds me of an experience I had long ago.

(314) I long to experience the food and culture of my home.

(315) He worked hard to make up for his lack of experience.

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(316) Tom didn't have enough experience to know what to do.

(317) Tom didn't have enough experience to do the job well.

(318) I've learned by experience that this is the best way.

(319) You have a lot of experience in computers, don't you?

(320) Love is like measles - everyone should experience it.

(321) Never limit your view of life by any past experience.

(322) I dont blame you Rick but I have had experience since.

(323) Most businesses experience hardships in the beginning.

(324) If you experience further problems please let me know.

(325) This candidate is a recent graduate with no experience

(326) The novel is based on the authors real life experience

(327) He is doing very well considering he lacks experience.

(328) Tom doesn't have enough experience to operate a train.

(329) We need to hire someone with a little more experience.

(330) Why would someone with Tom's experience need our help?

(331) The purpose of revelation is to alter your experience.

(332) Part of this conviction is rooted in my own experience.

(333) They asked a lot of questions about my past experience.

(334) This candidate is a recent graduate with no experience.

(335) The novel is based on the authors real life experience.

(336) Of course, I welcome advice taken from your experience!

(337) Thanks to his experience, he had an edge over the rest.

(338) I am a storyteller and experience the bliss of writing.

(339) I don't want to go through another experience like that.

(340) Not much money but a million dollars worth of experience

(341) And he gets his foreign policy experience from the shows

(342) I believe my background and experience are [crosstalk]

(343) I want to use that experience to get America right again

(344) And, Governor Perry, you say you have got the experience

(345) One is that Dick Cheney came in with a lot of experience

(346) I would rather die than have such a terrible experience.

(347) As far as my experience goes, such a plan is impossible.

(348) I went through so unpleasant an experience at that time.

(349) I am thankful to have been given the experience of life.

(350) The elderly women can identify with her life experience.

(351) Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.

(352) Personal experience is the basis of all real literature.

(353) Not much money but a million dollars worth of experience.

(354) Watching plants grow over time is a satisfying experience

(355) From this experience grew the idea for another Bond story

(356) The experience gave him a sense of the vastness of Canada

(357) because it's an important part of the American experience

(358) So, experience is important, but it is not the only thing

(359) I will use the experience of my life to get America right

(360) With Bill Richardson, you get both, change AND experience

(361) It goes without saying that experience is a good teacher.

(362) We want an assistant, preferably someone with experience.

(363) He has written lots of books about his experience abroad.

(364) Have you experienced an unhappy experience with ice cream?

(365) Watching plants grow over time is a satisfying experience.

(366) From this experience grew the idea for another Bond story.

(367) The experience gave him a sense of the vastness of Canada.

(368) It sounds as if genius compensates for lack of experience.

(369) For all his experience, he had no idea what to do with it.

(370) We need someone who has some experience in administration.

(371) He didn't have enough experience to cope with the problem.

(372) The members told us about the strange experience in turns.

(373) I can't stand him holding forth about his life experience.

(374) Tom is doing very well considering his lack of experience.

(375) Our imperfection is the perfect experience of being human.

(376) I don't think I have the experience necessary for that job.

(377) He had to call on all his experience to carry out the plan.

(378) Visiting three parks provides a full experience of the area

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(379) Guide dogs make the experience of the unknown more relaxing

(380) Pay will be based on experience and educational background.

(381) Coming face to face with a dinosaur was a funny experience.

(382) Religious structure often dilutes the spiritual experience.

(383) With your experience, any company would hire you right away.

(384) Visiting three parks provides a full experience of the area.

(385) Guide dogs make the experience of the unknown more relaxing.

(386) The audience with Susenyos was a trying experience for Bruce

(387) We need an attorney with experience in unconventional means.

(388) He asked me if I had experience in this area, and I said no.

(389) Tom got a job commensurate with his training and experience.

(390) We will experience the life we have the faith to experience.

(391) The audience with Susenyos was a trying experience for Bruce.

(392) But, experience is important, but judgement is also important

(393) We -- we have a president who had no experience in leadership

(394) He got his present position by virtue of his long experience.

(395) He has experience in a wide variety of programming languages.

(396) In my experience, stress is the cause of all injury and pain.

(397) Knowledge comes from curiosity wisdom comes from experience.

(398) On the other hand we learned a great deal from the experience.

(399) Tom decided to put the whole torrid affair down to experience.

(400) We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.

(401) You have no experience of Rising if you have not Fallen before

(402) Before the stint he saw it as a valuable experience as a player

(403) The experience prejudiced her in favor of the Democratic Party.

(404) Computers can give us facts, but they can't give us experience.

(405) From my own experience, illness often comes from sleeplessness.

(406) Your homework is one important part of the learning experience.

(407) When he assumed power, King John had no experience in politics.

(408) Tom began to experience remorse for his actions during the war.

(409) Before the stint he saw it as a valuable experience as a player.

(410) Reaching the peak of the mountain was an exhilarating experience

(411) Please consult your physician if you experience any side effects

(412) You have a great deal of experience with investigative work then

(413) Sometimes I experience so much pain that I cannot sleep at night

(414) If you can feel the future, then you are about to experience it.

(415) Faith is an organ of knowledge, and love an organ of experience.

(416) Reaching the peak of the mountain was an exhilarating experience.

(417) Please consult your physician if you experience any side effects.

(418) You have a great deal of experience with investigative work then.

(419) Sometimes I experience so much pain that I cannot sleep at night.

(420) I could experience places Ive never been to using virtual reality

(421) In Regans terminology we each experience being the subjectofalife

(422) My year in Africa was a very educational experience in many ways.

(423) She has no experience in typing, nor does the skill interest her.

(424) Ability, experience and books have solution for all the problems.

(425) Wisdom is the recovery of innocence at the far end of experience.

(426) The sole purpose of knowledge is to create hunger for experience.

(427) I could experience places Ive never been to using virtual reality.

(428) In Regans terminology we each experience being the subjectofalife.

(429) This experience is said to have inspired him to take up the guitar

(430) And this is something I got a lot of scar tissue and experience on

(431) That's the Hillary Clinton plan; she's got the experience to do it

(432) And I'm very proud of the fact that we learned from the experience

(433) The champion's experience submitted to the young opponent's power.

(434) He'd had no experience of teaching, but he plunged in nonetheless.

(435) Fiction is a great combination between experience and imagination.

(436) This experience is said to have inspired him to take up the guitar.

(437) We can experience richer lives in old age by looking after our body

(438) There is no evidence that the story is based on his own experience.

(439) I decided to try to learn Esperanto, just to make a new experience.

(440) In every set of circumstances, we get to create our own experience.

(441) Being a bad parent is a sign of not having learned from experience.

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(442) Wisdom comes from the internalization and reflection of experience.

(443) Trekking means a travelling experience with a thrilling excitement.

(444) But it would be nice to do experience those things with someone else

(445) We can experience richer lives in old age by looking after our body.

(446) It cannot experience itself in myriad ways because everything is one

(447) We had our work experience session at the local chambers of commerce

(448) The pay packet is commensurate with the level of experience you hold

(449) However the experience of the war and captivity deeply marked Widmer

(450) Websites should be designed to support a voice first user experience

(451) An extraordinary experience like nothing ever done before in America

(452) And I believe that my experience and background qualifies me to lead

(453) In judging his work, we must take account of his lack of experience.

(454) He also has experience working fulltime for international companies.

(455) The Dutch have five centuries of experience at holding back the sea.

(456) The value of experience is not in seeing much, but in seeing wisely.

(457) His intelligence and experience enabled him to deal with the trouble.

(458) It cannot experience itself in myriad ways because everything is one.

(459) We had our work experience session at the local chambers of commerce.

(460) The pay packet is commensurate with the level of experience you hold.

(461) However the experience of the war and captivity deeply marked Widmer.

(462) Websites should be designed to support a voice first user experience.

(463) An extraordinary experience like nothing ever done before in America.

(464) Some experience only partial loss while others become profoundly deaf

(465) What really matters is this, that executive experience really matters

(466) He came in with a lot of experience on defense, foreign policy issues

(467) We decided to employ men of ability irrespective of their experience.

(468) For many gay men, coming out of the closet is a difficult experience.

(469) Faith is not won by arguments. Faith is won by an experience of love.

(470) Everything we experience in life is designed to shape our characters.

(471) In judging his work, we must take his lack of experience into account.

(472) Some experience only partial loss while others become profoundly deaf.

(473) This experience was the first practical step toward lightwater reactor

(474) To fly big passenger airliners calls for long training and experience.

(475) Tom doesn't want to go through another experience like the one he had.

(476) If someone can't remember his past, he's doomed to experience it anew.

(477) Our greatest happiness comes from the experience of love & compassion.

(478) We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience.

(479) This experience was the first practical step toward lightwater reactor.

(480) Snow treated many victims of the disease and gained a lot of experience

(481) He wanted his buyers to experience The Void by selling them empty space

(482) To bring change, you have to have the experience to deliver that change

(483) But more important, it isn't my Senate experience that I rely on, Chris

(484) Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.

(485) According to my experience, it takes one year to master French grammar.

(486) Putting my traveling experience to good use, I started a travel agency.

(487) Tom didn't have enough experience in dealing with that kind of problem.

(488) You don't need to be an artist in order to experience beauty every day.

(489) It is through experience that I have lost faith in USA law enforcement.

(490) What comes from experience is knowledge,what comes naturally is wisdom.

(491) When we started this business, neither one of us had had any experience.

(492) Can you tell us about your experience in developing technical materials?

(493) Snow treated many victims of the disease and gained a lot of experience.

(494) He wanted his buyers to experience The Void by selling them empty space.

(495) Overall Muldaur described her experience portraying Pulaski as hard work

(496) My experience in the industry means I can adapt to this new role quickly

(497) A financier Teixeira had no previous experience of sports administration

(498) Well, let me — let me first of all talk a little bit about my experience

(499) That's the kind of experience, by the way, that we need to put an end to

(500) My first sexual experience was with a woman some years older than I was.

(501) Education is experience, and the essence of experience is self-reliance.

(502) I wish I could recommend the experience of not being killed to everyone.

(503) Overall Muldaur described her experience portraying Pulaski as hard work.

(504) My experience in the industry means I can adapt to this new role quickly.

جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir

(505) A financier Teixeira had no previous experience of sports administration.

(506) Well I am pretty happy with the experience but I do wish we had more time

(507) Secondly, I hope you saw tonight that executive experience really matters

(508) We've had a lot of presidents over the years who had wonderful experience

(509) Canada is a good place to go if it's your first experience living abroad.

(510) Each day offers a reason to celebrate. Find it and experience true bliss.

(511) Life is not others' perception about you, but what you experience within.

(512) Takes long,Stings hard,Benefit's large.That's your experience in life. :)

(513) Faouzi didn't have enough experience in dealing with that kind of problem.

(514) Well I am pretty happy with the experience but I do wish we had more time.

(515) Dickson said that his interest in the law was triggered by that experience

(516) Few were rated as being operationally ready and none had combat experience

(517) He survives and publishes a book titled Inside Job based on his experience

(518) And I'm running in part because I have experience in how the economy works

(519) Her teaching experience gives her an advantage when working with children.

(520) Ideally, a candidate for this job should have four years' work experience.

(521) Dickson said that his interest in the law was triggered by that experience.

(522) Few were rated as being operationally ready and none had combat experience.

(523) He survives and publishes a book titled Inside Job based on his experience.

(524) Thirty percent of patients experience significant pain during the procedure

(525) He is told he must stop teaching until he has had some courtroom experience

(526) Thompson gained studio experience at Studio One working alongside Joe Gibbs

(527) Everyone loves to experience their individualism No one is exactly the same

(528) [applause]I've had a little experience in this in the private sector myself

(529) And there's one difference between the two of us in terms of our experience

(530) But the reality is, you've got to have some kind of experience for this job

(531) Admitting his lack of experience, I still think that he ought to do better.

(532) In judging his work, you should make allowances for his lack of experience.

(533) His early poetry draws heavily on his experience and memories of childhood.

(534) Thirty percent of patients experience significant pain during the procedure.

(535) He is told he must stop teaching until he has had some courtroom experience.

(536) Thompson gained studio experience at Studio One working alongside Joe Gibbs.

(537) Everyone loves to experience their individualism No one is exactly the same.

(538) Rolling Stone is about the loss of innocence and the harshness of experience

(539) It was due to her knowledge and experience that she solved the mystery first

(540) He raised the 30 years of experience, so let me just talk briefly about that

(541) What is the modern definition of "experience"?

(542) How to Use "experience" with Example Sentences.

(543) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "experience" is, what would you say?

(544) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "experience" can get slippery.

(545) The Best Definition of "experience" I’ve Heard So Far.

(546) "experience" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note.

(547) What is the best definition of "experience"?

(548) What is the definition of an "experience"?

(549) What Is "experience"? Detailed Definition and Meaning.

(550) Use "experience" in a sentence.

(551) The Word "experience" in Example Sentences.

(552) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "experience".

(553) What is definition of "experience" by Merriam-Webster.

(554) "experience" in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...).

(555) How do you write a good sentence with "experience"?

(556) "experience" sentence examples.

(557) "experience": In a Sentence.

(558) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "experience".

(559) How do you explain "experience"?

(560) What can I say instead of "experience"?

(561) What is a synonym for "experience"?

(562) What is a antonym for "experience"?

(563) What do you mean by "experience"?

(564) What is another word for "experience"?

(565) What is the best definition of "experience"?

(566) What is "experience" definition and meaning?

(567) How to use "experience" in a sentence.

(568) The Word "experience" in Example Sentences.

(569) "experience" meaning in english, "experience" definitions.

(570) Primary meanings of "experience".

(571) Full definitions of "experience".

(572) Full meaning of "experience".

(573) The Word "experience" in Example Sentences.

(574) Best definition of "experience".

(575) Define "experience" in one sentence, define "experience" in one word.

(576) What is the meaning of "experience" in a sentence.

(577) The Word "experience" in Example Sentences.

(578) What is the origin and root of "experience".

نکاتی در خصوص اهمیت یادگیری جملات انگلیسی با experience

به جای حفظ کردن لغت experience ، جملات کوتاه با experience را حفظ کنید.

اگر واقعاً نمی توانید از حفظ کردن دل بکنید، به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی experience، جملات کوتاه مختلف با لغت experience را حفظ کنید. مثلاً به جای اینکه لغت “university” را به معنی “دانشگاه” حفظ کنید، عبارت “I go to university” به معنی “من به دانشگاه می روم” را حفظ کنید. وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی experience، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه experience را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از experience در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.

جمله سازی با کلمه experience

ساختن جمله با experience به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی experience است. اما برای اینکه مغز شما بتواند لغت experience را در آینده به یاد بیاورد، بهترین راه استفاده از روش زیر است:

با لغت experience ده جمله بسازید و در هر کدام از جملات معنای متفاوتی از واژه experience که می خواهید یاد بگیرید را به کار ببرید. با ساختن جمله از لغات جدید به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.

ساختار جملات انگلیسی با experience

شاید مهم ترین مفهوم در زبان، جمله باشد. یادگیری ساختار جمله (sentence structure) در انگلیسی و هر زبان دیگری امری بسیار ضروری است. هر زبانی گرامر خاص خودش دارد و بر اساس آن ساختار جمله مشخص می شود. همین نکته در مورد زبان انگلیسی هم صدق می کند. در این زبان هم در هر نوع جمله ای قواعد دستوری خاصی حکم فرما است و هر یک از آن ها نقش مهمی در رساندن دقیق منظورمان دارند.

یک جمله گروهی از کلمات می باشد که در کنار یکدیگر قرار میگیرند و هر کدام از این کلمات اطلاعات خاصی را به ما می دهند. این کلمات اغلب با هم فرق دارند و هر کدام نقش خاص خودشان را در جمله دارند. از مهمترین اجزاء هر جمله می توان به فعل Verb، اسم Noun، صفت Adjective، قید Adverb، حرف ربطی conjunctions، حرف اضافه preposition، حرف تعریف و ... اشاره کرد.

ساختار جملات انگلیسی را می توان به 4 دسته تقسیم کرد.

جمله ساده با experience

یک جمله ساده با experience از یک بند اصلی که شامل فعل و فاعل است، تشکیل شده که اطلاعات کاملی در مورد یک اتفاق یا حالت را به ما می دهد. قاعده کلی ساختار این جملات به صورت زیر است:

فاعل + فعل قابل صرف

جمله مرکب با experience

برخلاف جملات ساده، در جملات مرکب با experience، دو بند داریم که با حرف ربط (Conjunction) یا ویرگول (comma) به هم متصل می شوند. نکته ای که باید در این جا به آن توجه شود این است که از آن جایی که دو بندی که در ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با experience به کار برده می شوند، مستقل هستند، حتی به صورت جداگانه هم معنا می دهند. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با experience بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + حرف ربط همپایه ساز + بند مستقل

جمله پیچیده با experience

ساختار جمله پیچیده (complex sentence structure) با experience همانطور که از نامش پیداست کمی با جمله مرکب با experience فرق دارد. در جملات پیچیده با experience، در کنار بند مستقل می توان از یک بند وابسته هم استفاده کرد. یک بند وابسته شامل حرف ربط وابسته ساز (Subordinating conjunction) یا ضمیر موصولی (relative pronoun) است. یادتان باشد این بند با این که فاعل و فعل دارد اما ممکن است معنای کاملی نداشته باشد. بنابراین یک بند وابسته برای این که مفهوم کاملی داشته باشد، به یک بند مستقل نیاز دارد. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات پیچیده انگلیسی با experience بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + بند مستقل وابسته

جمله پیچیده – مرکب با experience

ساختار پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با experience همانطور که از نامش می توان حدس زد، ترکیبی است از جملات پیچیده و مرکب با لغت experience. یعنی از دو بند مستقل و یک بند وابسته تشکیل می شود. این بندها با حرف ربط همپایه ساز به هم متصل می شوند. ساختار جملات پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با experience بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + بند وابسته + حرف ربط + بند مستقل

– همواره سعی کنید در مکالمه و یا ترجمه فارسی به انگلیسی، از ساختار و کلماتی استفاده نمائید که خود افراد انگلیسی زبان (نیتیو) آن ساختار و کلمات را بکار می برند.

طبیعی است که برای این هدف لازم است شخص ترجمه کننده آنقدر متن انگلیسی خوانده باشد و نسبت به کالوکیشن ها و همایندهای زبان انگلیسی آشنا باشد تا بتواند به مانند انگلیسی زبان های نیتیو، مفهوم را منتقل کند.

مجدداً تاکید میکنیم که صرفاً با ابتکار و خلاقیت های شخصی، بدون تسلط به کالوکیشن های زبان انگلیسی به هیچ وجه این امر میسر نخواهد بود.

سوالات متداول جمله با experience

در این قسمت مهمترین سوالاتی که در خصوص جمله سازی با experience و کاربرد کلمه experience در جملات انگلیسی پرسیده می شود آورده شده است. امیدواریم با مطالعه این پاسخ ها به جواب مورد نظرتان دست پیدا کنید.

در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات experience را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه experience و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای experience، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه experience نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از experience در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه experience به کمک همین جملات با experience و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت experience می باشد.

وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی experience، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه experience را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از experience در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.

ساختن جمله با experience به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی experience است. با ساختن جمله برای لغت experience به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.

در صورتیکه این مطلب برای شما مفید بود، به ما امتیاز بدهید.

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