در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات E را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه E و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای E، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه E نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از E در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه E به کمک همین جملات با E و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت E می باشد.
در قسمت ذیل 578 جمله با E برای شما آورده شده است. ضمناً شما می توانید با کلیک بر روی علامت بلندگو در کنار هر جمله، تلفظ جمله با E را نیز گوش دهید.
(1) E.T. phone home.
(2) According to the E
(3) According to the E.
(4) See Eötvös experiment
(5) See Eötvös experiment.
(6) The show was part of E
(7) The show was part of E.
(8) Adapted from Gray E et al
(9) They want to see E-Verify
(10) Adapted from Gray E et al.
(11) E Greenhow vicar of Earsdon
(12) E Greenhow vicar of Earsdon.
(13) Play Ashita E by Ian Anderson
(14) Play Ashita E by Ian Anderson.
(15) Avocados are rich in vitamin E.
(16) General William E Grumble Jones
(17) General William E Grumble Jones.
(18) We call our English teacher E.T.
(19) The sign said E Z Loans and Finance
(20) The sign said E Z Loans and Finance.
(21) C D and E are the winning candidates
(22) C D and E are the winning candidates.
(23) W E Johns from the pages of Modern Boy
(24) W E Johns from the pages of Modern Boy.
(25) They released two albums The Touch Of E
(26) I was told that. E-mail, in particular.
(27) They released two albums The Touch Of E.
(28) The work was first published by E Demets
(29) Noted author activist and academic W E B
(30) The work was first published by E Demets.
(31) Noted author activist and academic W E B.
(32) The American county fair is featured in E B
(33) This association shall be called the E.S.S.
(34) E-mailing is a fast means of communication.
(35) Send the package to me care of Miss E Book.
(36) The American county fair is featured in E B.
(37) E histolytica T vaginalis G intestinalis etc
(38) E histolytica T vaginalis G intestinalis etc.
(39) Dawn Doug E Fresh Gravediggaz and New Kingdom
(40) Dawn Doug E Fresh Gravediggaz and New Kingdom.
(41) Eleanor Reinhardt was married to James E Mills
(42) Eleanor Reinhardt was married to James E Mills.
(43) All songs written by Mark E Nevin and Morrissey
(44) The album was named after the television show E
(45) 'Cause I don't really change my E-mail address.
(46) All songs written by Mark E Nevin and Morrissey.
(47) The album was named after the television show E.
(48) I can't believe I signed off on your fuckin' E-5!
(49) [E]xceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
(50) I'm not going to require homeowners to do E-Verify
(51) Love is spelt C-O-L-O-R.AndColor is spelt L-O-V-E.
(52) Designed by the architects Thomas Somerford and E A
(53) Designed by the architects Thomas Somerford and E A.
(54) His name appears in print usually as Frank E Smedley
(55) His name appears in print usually as Frank E Smedley.
(56) Several prostaglandin E synthases have been identified
(57) Hylton signed on with E and M Motorsports for the race
(58) The type species is E zonatum the banded pygmy sunfish
(59) Several prostaglandin E synthases have been identified.
(60) Hylton signed on with E and M Motorsports for the race.
(61) The type species is E zonatum the banded pygmy sunfish.
(62) E-eh? I somehow seem to feel a very threatening aura...
(63) After revision and enlargement by his former student E B
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(64) The E-type Jaguar was an iconic sports car in the 1960s.
(65) After revision and enlargement by his former student E B.
(66) Stations carry the letter E followed by a twodigit number
(67) 'E' is not a Spanish word. "Yes, it is. You're mistaken."
(68) Stations carry the letter E followed by a twodigit number.
(69) The letters A.E.I.O.U assist us to know how to read words.
(70) Our P.E. kit was just shorts but now it's spats from today.
(71) That's why you have an E-Verify system so they can know that
(72) E-mail was supposed to transform the way people communicate.
(73) It was home for ten years to noted architect Charles E Choate
(74) It is based on the character Conan created by Robert E Howard
(75) It was home for ten years to noted architect Charles E Choate.
(76) It is based on the character Conan created by Robert E Howard.
(77) The community was named after J E Lockwood a railroad official
(78) Harold E Froehlich was one of the principle designers of Alvin
(79) The community was named after J E Lockwood a railroad official.
(80) Harold E Froehlich was one of the principle designers of Alvin.
(81) The community was named after George E Finley a pioneer settler
(82) Vernon Ohio and was initially called the C and E Cooper Company
(83) The community was named after George E Finley a pioneer settler.
(84) Vernon Ohio and was initially called the C and E Cooper Company.
(85) E d bruneri can be found in the midwest from Arkansas to Montana
(86) E d bruneri can be found in the midwest from Arkansas to Montana.
(87) The company was owned by J M Wilkinson E L Moore and Maxey Ashley
(88) The employer must then check it with E-Verify or a similar system
(89) We don't just have one problem; we have a crisis of the three E's
(90) The company was owned by J M Wilkinson E L Moore and Maxey Ashley.
(91) E D Hill informs viewers that a plane crashed into the North Tower
(92) A secondary character in the story is the photographer E J Bellocq
(93) E D Hill informs viewers that a plane crashed into the North Tower.
(94) A secondary character in the story is the photographer E J Bellocq.
(95) It is named after a sister of the towns founder Robert E Lee Wilson
(96) It is named after a sister of the towns founder Robert E Lee Wilson.
(97) E T Whitehead of the Labour Abstentionist Party became the secretary
(98) E T Whitehead of the Labour Abstentionist Party became the secretary.
(99) When the bridge is repeated it does not conclude on E major as before
(100) When the bridge is repeated it does not conclude on E major as before.
(101) The two species E guineensis and E oleifera can produce fertile hybrids
(102) Its initial programming library drew from A and E and Historys programs
(103) Futuymas textbook of reference Evolutionary Biology and in E O Wilsons
(104) The two species E guineensis and E oleifera can produce fertile hybrids.
(105) Its initial programming library drew from A and E and Historys programs.
(106) Futuymas textbook of reference Evolutionary Biology and in E O Wilsons .
(107) The railroad is named for Austin Todd and Ladd Lafferty grandsons of E O
(108) The building is named after former dean of Engineering Donald E Rathbone
(109) The only two species currently included are E australasius and E banksii
(110) The railroad is named for Austin Todd and Ladd Lafferty grandsons of E O.
(111) The building is named after former dean of Engineering Donald E Rathbone.
(112) The only two species currently included are E australasius and E banksii.
(113) The latter featured her opposite Emil Jannings and directed by E A Dupont
(114) The latter featured her opposite Emil Jannings and directed by E A Dupont.
(115) Rooney Lee son of General Robert E Lee became McClellans base of operations
(116) Charles E Ashburner was hired by Staunton as the nations first city manager
(117) Rooney Lee son of General Robert E Lee became McClellans base of operations.
(118) Charles E Ashburner was hired by Staunton as the nations first city manager.
(119) If I'm president, we'll put in an E-Verify system, which you have opposed --
(120) I wanna-- I am committed to repealing ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, cutting out the E
(121) Where in all Japan is there a school that has 'advance at the crawl' in P.E.?!
(122) What happens when you pray for an angel and get a vampire instead? R E Mullins
(123) Carl Vinson earned the Battle E and Navy Unit Commendation during this deployment
(124) Carl Vinson earned the Battle E and Navy Unit Commendation during this deployment.
(125) With respect to the United States, I think our role in NATO, our support for the E
(126) 5 cents, and use it to help expand distribution for E-85 in other areas of the country
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(127) E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle.And so we came forth, and once again beheld the stars.
(128) God is A.W.E.S.O.M.E! HE is Always Working Extraordinary Supernatural On-time Miracles Everyday
(129) The output of E->J translation software can be improved greatly by the way the user utilises it.
(130) Albert Einsteins famous equation E equals MC squared is one of the best known equations in physics
(131) Foods rich in vitamin E include dark-green, leafy vegetables, beans, nuts and whole-grain cereals.
(132) Albert Einsteins famous equation E equals MC squared is one of the best known equations in physics.
(133) Between E->J translations and J->E, it appears that more people want English-Japanese translations.
(134) They selected as their first president Doctor Robert E Doak a twentyfiveyearold Presbyterian scholar
(135) They selected as their first president Doctor Robert E Doak a twentyfiveyearold Presbyterian scholar.
(136) Another former gubernatorial candidate Len E Blaylock of Perry County was named appointments secretary
(137) Another former gubernatorial candidate Len E Blaylock of Perry County was named appointments secretary.
(138) The car is parked in Zone E, space 97. That's out the main door, to the right and down at the end of the terminal building.
(139) ...E non aspettarti una strada senza ostacoli, senza quel fuoco la tua luce si spegnerebbe. Usa la tempesta per liberarti".
(140) After a flight of 8 days, 3 hours, and 19 minutes, Apollo 11 splashed down in the Pacific Ocean on July 24 at 12:51 E.D.S.T.
(141) And I will make sure we have an E-Verify system and require employers to check the documents of workers, and to check E- Verify
(142) We are shaped by every culture, drawn from every end of the Earth, and dedicated to a simple concept: E pluribus unum: "Out of many, one."
(143) Oh my. However much it's just a P.E. class; if you don't face it in real earnest, then when it comes to a real fight it won't do you any good.
(144) And if an employer hires someone that has not gone through E- Verify, they're going to get sanctioned just like they do for not paying their taxes
(145) You see when you put part A into slot B and screw down those into holes D, E and F, the pieces from that heavy box all integrate into a standing table.
(146) E-cigarettes are being promoted as a healthy alternative to tobacco cigarettes, but health authorities are concerned about the long-term health effects on users.
(147) B E H A V I O U R is Sometimes greater than knowledge, because in Life there are many situations where knowledge fails..but ..Behaviour can handle E V E R Y T H I N G.
(148) And if people are not able to have a card, and have through an E-Verify system determine that they are here illegally, then they're going to find they can't get work here
(149) Always Remember to take your Vitamins: Take your Vitamin A for ACTION, Vitamin B for Belief, Vitamin C for Confidence ,Vitamin D for Discipline, Vitamin E for Enthusiasm!!
(150) E andando nel sole che abbagliasentire con triste meravigliacom'è tutta la vita e il suo travaglioin questo seguitare una muragliache ha in cima cocci aguzzi di bottiglia.
(151) Because it would take away all tax deductibility for anyone who is employed illegally, and once you have something like E-Verify effectively working, you really build a big sanction
(152) Your Majesty, look what I got on E-bay. "I don't care." "It's an X-Wing." "Oh, let me see! Hmm, looks very nice..." "No, Your Majesty, you may not enter the X-Wing. Only I can — fuck!"
(153) Biblical, Talmudic, or Koranic literalists remind me of children wrinkling their noses at Belon oysters and asking for more Chef Boy-E-Dee. They want the world to be as simple as they are.
(154) And we should back up the recent donors conference to make sure we have made our contribution to try to deal with the enormous cost that these refugees are posing to Turkey and to members of the E
(155) Row 6 D and E if available.
(156) I can add a ticket for row 5, E.
(157) The one at 6965 E Broad St, Columbus, OH.
(158) Flat Pin Adapter 2 USB White Toshi No PU-E
(159) Can you find me the nearest Chuck E Cheese's?
(160) from JFK Airport to 409 E 14th St, New York, NY
(161) I am at Slate in Charlotte, NC at 200 E Bland St.
(162) HP LJP1102 W E Laser Printer Number of items : 1 each
(163) This is a terrible film of the novel by E. Lynn Harris.
(164) Take ang pow n eat lor. E shopping area open during new year?
(165) Quality products Easy to use durable Suitable for OLYMPUS E-PL2
(166) AMC River East 21, 322 E Illinois St, Chicago, IL 60611 is this correct ?
(167) You only need four words to spell the greatest word in the universe: L.O.V.E.
(168) potato vegetable oil (vitamin E from soy beans) black pepper salt yeast extract
(169) You would be better off trying something by William E. Dodd or Edward A. Koerner.
(170) Al-Qur'an is not a book of Science, ‘S-C-I-E-N-C-E’ but a book of Signs ‘S-I-G-N-S
(171) I'm at 4650 E 90th Street and I want to go to the Tower Cinema at 230 West Huron Road
(172) To go from Bitter to BETTER, means you need to turn your I onto an E, by embracing WE.
(173) for new york we have the Regal Cinemas E-Walk 13 & RPX theater is that a good choice for you.
(174) Type: Watches Color: SPAC E BLACK For : Wrist Materials used: STAINLESS STEEL Warranty (Year): 1
(175) You are welcome, your tickets have been emailed to you but the row is E and the seat is number 10.
(176) LSAW PIPE PILE:ASTM A139, ASTM A252, JIS G3444 etc. Grades: Q215-345, Grade A-E, Grade 1-3 STK290-540
(177) Save 15% on Select ThinkPad E, T, L, X, & P Series Laptops with promo code Discount Percent: 15, Less
(178) This is a fairly entertaining video if one has access to the book or watched all of the A&E; version.
(179) The U.K. should begin with an FAnd have a C after the U,And it should end in E DNow that we’ve left the E.U.
(180) I have the ‘L’.You have the ‘O’.Fate has the ‘V’.Together we have the ‘E’.How then can we deny we are in LOVE?
(181) No. Settly yr own lunch. Still in AMK. After this going to Kelvin office. u go print out our E-tickets from my e-mail
(182) Lens Type: SONY E-MOUNT 35 MMFULL FRAME Color: BLACK Focal Length: 24-70 mm Maximum aperture: 2.8 Minimum aperture: 22
(183) Dolores E. Mahoy, 68, of Colorado Springs is just the type of person who might be helped by the legislation pending in Congress.
(184) Okay, Gina. Looks like I have everything I need to order your tickets here. Two for "Greta" at 7:45 PM at Landmark's E-Street Cinema.
(185) You think he left a big flashing arrow pointing to a filing cabinet labeled 'Evidence Here!'? He's a Stray, Ethan, not Wile E. Coyote!
(186) This unit will fit a 2011 Toyota Yaris - but the brackets DO NOT line up.The "E" bar on passenger side should be to the right of "T,".
(187) The first principle of a free society is an untrammeled flow of words in an open forum."(Adlai E. Stevenson, 1900-1965, American Lawyer, Politician)
(188) ONLY@CENTRAL ONLIN E EXCLUSIVE Color : Black Caution: In terms of item color it may be slightly different from each monitor display and specification.
(189) Deposits including Bill of Exchange (B/E) of Depository Corporations increased by 10.4 percents, decelerated from 12.7 percent in the previous quarter.
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(190) Commuter Train Dark Red Line: Rangsit – ThammasatUniversity Rangsit23. Northern Route N2 and E-W Corridor25. Intercity Motorway (Nakorn Phatom – Cha Am)26.
(191) Alright. Your ride from 4923 E 41st St, Tulsa, OK to 6666 S Union Ave, Tulsa, OK is now confirmed and on its way. You can check your ride status on your phone.
(192) Beautiful deep colour With the delicate texture suitable for small chidren Safety for children with the safety standard certified by C E Contains : 25 colours/box
(193) ONLY@CENTRAL Color : BLU E MIX Activity : General Size : 36 B Caution: In terms of item color it may be slightly different from each monitor display and specification.
(194) Deposits including Bill of Exchange (B/E) of Depository Corporations expand at a slower pace as Bill of Exchange (B/E) continue to contract and deposit slightly soften.
(195) Press Division, Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Tel. (+66) 2203 5000 ext. 22025, 22022 Fax (+66) 2643 5101 E-mail: media.mfa@asean2019.go.th
(196) * Pindar, a Thebian Greek wrote (circa 350 B.C.E.) War is sweet to those who have no experience of it. But the experienced man trembles exceedingly in his heart at its approach.
(197) International E-Commerce Dropship Bag Pink & Red with Floral Printed Bow Caution: In terms of item color it may be slightly different from each monitor display and specification.
(198) Borrowing of 249,500 million baht or 2.4 percent of GDP will be made to balance the deficit budget. The B.E. 2552 (A.D. 2008) Budget Act has come into force on and from October 14, 2008.
(199) E: When one has at last reached freedom, can one even contemplate going back?HC: But if it is not possible to go back, or to choose to go back, then it is not freedom!~Ericsson; Hilary Craven
(200) Rug Brand ESQUIR E Material : COTTON Platinum / YELLO W Color Size : 60×90 cm 1 Piece Caution: In terms of item color it may be slightly different from each monitor display and specification.
(201) Charles E
(202) Russell E.
(203) 950°E? / -29
(204) i'll have E call
(205) E vesicaria subsp.
(206) Patton, Sereno E.
(207) 4 in E minor and No
(208) What does E-h stand for
(209) Who succeeded Rex E. Lee
(210) E la du permanis silence.
(211) i better let E do his own
(212) [citation needed] Though the E
(213) Okay the one on 125 E. Palm Ave?
(214) In 1928, WKY was purchased by E
(215) Historian William E Barton says .
(216) Also, the LaserDisc release of E
(217) why don't you book both E F and B C
(218) would you like to send it to me at E
(219) Symphonies in E major are quite rare.
(220) Future Confederate generals George E
(221) The song closes in the key of E major.
(222) There would be other film hits like E
(223) At which park does E 122nd Street end?
(224) It's at 52 E 41st St, New York, NY 10017
(225) E coli are not usually in food or water.
(226) How much money did John E. Simon donate?
(227) The Lombardi was tuned C, D, A, E, B, G
(228) Who created the population factor e-E/kT
(229) Mike E Clark is a record producer and DJ.
(230) In what year did Weinstein create E = mc2
(231) It was called according to Socrates, (E.
(232) Office Chair Black-Green ROCK WOOD 88168 E
(233) Jamrud Fort is located at 33969 N 71338 E.
(234) Who rejected the population factor e-E/kT?
(236) Three of Spielberg's films—Jaws (1975), E.
(237) What is the name of Chip E's 1980 house hit
(238) 4 miles) (W-E), centred on 179°7'E and 8°30'S
(239) E numbers are number codes for food additives.
(240) Charlotte s Web is a children s novel by E B White.
(241) At which intersection does E 122nd Street terminate
(242) Chip E. what is the name of Chip E's 1985 house hit?
(243) The games are rated E LRB Everyone RRB by the ESRB.
(244) J. With what university is J.M.E. McTaggart affiliated
(245) Thomas E White May 31 2001 May 9 2003 George W Bush.
(246) Elvira 12-1102-0010 ELVIRA Sewing Machine-Renova Party E
(247) Between 1941 and 1946, the left-wing British historian E
(248) What is the percentage of non-repetitive DNA in E. coli?
(250) He met the Danish composers J P E Hartman and Niels Gade.
(251) OK that's 409 E 14th St, New York, NY your apartment right?
(252) Esharp minor is a minor scale based on the musical note Eâ.
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(253) A E I O U Y are vowels just like English.
(254) , the first oral contraceptive, Enovid, was developed by E.
(255) Letters that came from it include the Roman E and Cyrillic Ð.
(256) What does E. coli tend to have more of than non-repetitive DNA
(257) The Delhi Metro project was spearheaded by Padma Vibhushan E.
(258) Patrons later asked for new music for the bins, which Chip E.
(259) How many blocks west of Second Avenue does E 122nd Street run?
(260) Charlotte s Web is a 1952 children s book written by E B White.
(261) In what year did Frank E. Warner become a sound effects editor?
(262) The U. In the E.U., what are the governing principles for ISP's
(263) LRB 96 RRB LRB 96 RRB LRB Î Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(264) E minor was one of the mostoften used keys by Felix Mendelssohn.
(265) Its relative minor is E minor and its parallel minor is G minor.
(266) Hey... E nydc one got any reply anot? I wan to look 4 jobs liao...
(267) E ngheidd rhen di nu in ill temp di drial mai llifr nu di ll mal.
(268) The U. In the E.U., what aren't the governing principles for ISP's
(269) LRB 96 RRB LRB 96 RRB s LRB Î Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(270) In what year did Jame E. McLeod become Vice Chancellor for Students
(271) The leaders of these groups were Ross Granville Harrison, Grace E.
(272) On June 20 1894 Naismith married Maude E Sherman from Springfield.
(273) LRB 96 RRB s LRB 96 RRB s LRB Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(274) E The Montreal Wanderers were disqualified as the result of a dispute.
(275) Behind the school Hackleton C of E Primary is the recreation ground.
(276) Its relative major is E major and its parallel major is Csharp major.
(277) For example a key signature of one sharp is either G major or E minor.
(278) As an example ESC E will switch on bold and ESC F will switch it off.
(279) In 1856 he became an apprentice to Gothic revival architect G E Street.
(280) Named after David E Hughes the medal is awarded with a gift of  1000.
(281) Iran lies between latitudes 24° and 40° N, and longitudes 44° and 64° E
(282) AFL Global and Ganlan Media were created in 2012 by businessman Martin E
(283) In our terpsichorean-focused P.E. class, we learned how to square dance.
(284) What were the titles given to the gate keeps of the E-Abzu temple of Enki?
(285) where E stands for energy H is the Planck constant and F is the frequency.
(286) The precipitation ability was enhanced by overexpressing PhoK protein in E
(287) Three secret 1958 attempts to launch Luna E-1-class impactor probes failed
(288) Å Å Å á á Ð Î RRB W LRB Mm RRB W LRB Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(289) [citation needed] Simon Hall was opened in 1986 after a donation from John E.
(290) Her father s name was Hugh E Rodham her mother is Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham.
(291) Å Ä 34 Ä Ä Ä á tÅ Å á Ï Ñ Å Ä Å RRB W LRB Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(292) It uses several techniques from Felix Mendelssohn s Violin Concerto in E minor.
(293) Chip E. the term 'house music' came from the labeling of records at what store?
(294) Escherichia coli or E coli is a bacterium that can be found in human intestines.
(295) It moved through North Carolina and Virginia capsizing the ship E Pluribus Unum.
(296) Playing a major chord of C, E, and G, the pianist quickly began to play his tune.
(297) where E is the encryption function LRB cipher RRB and K1 and K2 are the two keys.
(298) How many directions does the E-plane of the radio waves oscillates back and forth?
(299) William E Nelson LRB born February 18 1941 RRB is an Environmental Wax Researcher.
(300) The music for Home on the Range was composed by Higley s friend Daniel E Kelley.
(301) Also often played and to be found in the same collection is a Scherzo in E major.
(302) He studied law at the Eà tvàs Lorà nd University of Budapest and graduated in 1987.
(303) In 2007, two FAA whistleblowers, inspectors Charalambe "Bobby" Boutris and Douglas E
(304) In all other branches, NCO status is generally achieved at the pay grade of E-4 (e.
(305) The very large houses were often designed in symmetrical shapes such as E and H .
(306) With this discovery and some mapping of the E coli chromosome Lederberg got his PhD.
(307) The E prefix is omitted in Australia and New Zealand and the term ENumber unknown.
(308) Not jelly crystals. But some powder thing. E jelly crystal they have, but no mango flavour.
(309) Nicknamed Tige Anderson was noted as one of Robert E Lee s hardestfighting subordinates.
(310) Melbourne is currently building 50 new E Class trams with some already in service in 2014.
(311) How many attempts to the Moon did Luna E-1-class probes fail before successfully launching?
(312) ‘E’ is the most frequently used vowel, being used to form words like ‘feel’ and ‘exercise.’
(313) In 1964 he graduated from the Directing Department of VGIK LRB E Dzigan s master class RRB.
(314) The newly discovered outer rings of Uranus are similar to the outer G and E rings of Saturn.
(315) " The earliest recording was an 1895 performance by Paul Pabst of the Nocturne in E major Op
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(316) Enlisted members of the USAF have pay grades from E-1 (entry level) to E-9 (senior enlisted).
(317) Janeitism did not begin until after J E AustenLeigh published A Memoir of Jane Austen in 1870.
(318) The U.E. employment rate was 10.2% in October 2009, which was the highest rate since what year
(319) The bells of the Clock Tower in London s Palace of Westminster are tuned to the key of E major.
(320) Aside from his role as Indiana Jones, Spielberg also cast Harrison Ford as a headteacher in E.
(321) Trisomy 18 also known as Trisomy E and Edwards syndrome is a trisomy It is a genetic disorder.
(322) E-commerce or electronic commerce involves the buying and selling of goods and services online.
(323) The full explanation of the tengwar was published in 1955 in Appendix E of The Lord of the Rings.
(324) A lot of classical guitar music is in E minor because this key is very suited for the instrument.
(325) He used the pen name E Waldo Hunter when two of his stories ran in the same issue of Astounding.
(326) Phillip Island, the second largest island of the territory, is located at 29°07'S 167°57'E? / ?29
(327) Rabbi Robert E Goldburg a Reform rabbi at Congregation Mishkan Israel presided over the ceremony.
(328) Ç Ù 4 RRB s RRB LRB 96 RRB s LRB 96 RRB s LRB 96 RRB s LRB Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(329) Born Hazel Reid in Newport News Virginia she was the daughter of doctors Russell E and Hazel Reid.
(330) The E Class trams are about 30 metres long and are superior to the C2 class tram of similar length.
(331) The selenographic coordinates of this range are 284 Â N 411 Â E and they have a diameter of 172 km.
(332) What major award was given to Padma Vibhushan E. Sreedharan for his contribution the the Delhi Metro?
(333) The state song was not composed until 21 years after statehood, when a musical troupe led by Joseph E
(334) E 'solo una chiave per ricordare dimenticato la password per Remote Access Connections (dial-up, vpn).
(335) È È á á á á á á 3 Ø Ú eÄ Ä Ã Ã Ã á 12 Ä Ä É á á á á RRB LRB Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(336) Strong met W E B Du Bois who visited Communist China during the Great Leap Forward in the late 1950s.
(337) Next the music shifts to the key of E major the tempo increases and the time signature changes to 68.
(338) Its relative minor is Dflat minor and its parallel minor is Fflat minor usually replaced by E minor.
(339) Hiram E McCallum LRB 1900 January 13 1989 RRB was a mayor of Toronto Ontario Canada from 19481951.
(340) Gladys Baker had married a Martin E Mortenson in 1924 but they had separated before Gladys pregnancy.
(341) Created in 1977 by Atari founder Nolan Bushnell it started out as Chuck E Cheese s Pizza Time Theatre.
(342) The second spinoff was W A L T E R which was about Walter Radar OReilly LRB Gary Burghoff RRB.
(343) The March 1906 Scientific American article by American pioneer William E. What nationality was Meacham?
(344) Following the death of 112 year old E Beatrice Riley he was verified as the oldest person in Australia.
(345) È È á á á á á á 3 Ø Ú eÄ Ä Ã Ã Ã á 12 Ä Ä É á á á á RRB W LRB Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(346) E-mail forwarding can be activated though, so you can save these messages in your personal e-mail account.
(347) The final score is calculated by taking deductions from the E score, and adding the result to the D score
(348) The term country code in many times refers to international dialing codes the E 164 country calling codes.
(349) Skorton, Class of 1974, a noted cardiologist became president of Cornell University in 2006, and Andrew E.
(350) Scientists have studied E coli very well and know more about how E coli cells work than any other organism.
(351) Bishop discover vitamin E as essential for rat pregnancy, originally calling it "food factor X" until 1925.
(352) The key is also very popular in heavy metal music because the lowest note on a guitar E can be used a lot.
(353) A gymnast's score comes from deductions taken from their start value. When was the E score first implemented?
(354) Helping his father in Visible Speech demonstrations and lectures brought Bell to Susanna E. Who died in 1870?
(355) Of those that survive his works based on A E Housman s collection of poems A Shropshire Lad are the best known.
(356) Rowardennan LRB Gaelic Rubha Aird EÃ nain RRB is a small hamlet on the eastern shore of Loch Lomond in Scotland.
(357) To make reading and writing music easier Fflat major is usually written as its enharmonic equivalent of E major.
(358) When arranging this piano music for orchestra some people recommend transposing the music to D minor or E minor.
(359) In writing music in E major for Bflat instruments it is preferable to use a Gflat rather an Fsharp key signature.
(360) He did not create the word himself He got it from Keith E McFarland but Keith does not know where he got it from.
(361) The cathedral often had restoration work done especially by Sir George Gilbert Scott and A E Perkins in the 1860s.
(362) Between 1941 and 1946, the left-wing British historian E. During World War II, The Times was nicknamed what in 1944?
(363) LRB Rï 14 Ð Å Å Å á RRB LRB Ð HÎ Ä Î ï 14 RRB LRB MÐ á Î ï 14 RRB LRB EÐ á 14 Ä Ä Î Ã Ã Ã Ã Ä 3 RRB LRB DÄ RRB.
(364) LRB Rï 14 Ð Å Å Å á RRB LRB Ð HÎ Ä Î ï 14 RRB LRB EÐ á 14 Ä Ä Î Ã Ã Ã Ã Ä 3 RRB LRB MÐ á Î ï 14 RRB LRB DÄ RRB.
(365) Chicago Hope is a CBS Medical drama series created by David E Kelley that ran from September 18 1994 to May 4 2000.
(366) Furthermore, to this theme, protagonists in his films often come from families with divorced parents, most notably E.
(367) If piano music in this key must be arranged for orchestra some people recommend transposing it into D minor or E minor.
(368) These are A Ã CH E á 14 G GÌ H I Ä J K L M MB N ND NG NT Ã O Ã P R RR S T U Å V Y á .
(369) His big break came when the singer E Piaf heard him sing arranged to take him with her on tour in France and to the USA.
(370) The March 1906 Scientific American article by American pioneer William E. Who helped Bell investigate hydrofoils in 1908?
(371) In 1933 a British imperial order transferred territory south of 60 Â S and between meridians 160 E and 45 E to Australia.
(372) The trophy is named in honor of James E Norris owner of the National Hockey League s Detroit Red Wings from 1932 to 1952.
(373) Norfolk Island is the main island of the island group the territory encompasses and is located at 29°02'S 167°57'E? / ?29
(374) With handtuned timpani there is no time to retune the timpani to A flat and E flat for the slow second movement in A flat.
(375) In 2007, two FAA whistleblowers, inspectors Charalambe "Bobby" Boutris and Douglas E. How many other airlines were audited?
(376) Hydrogen is an authorized food additive (E 949) that allows food package leak testing among other anti-oxidizing properties
(377) Galveston Mayor E Gus Manuel against the advice of Texas Governor Mark White ordered the evacuation of only lowlying areas.
(378) E numbers are also encountered on food labeling in other jurisdictions including the GCC Australia New Zealand and Israel.
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(379) A steamboat called the Harold saw the ship and rescued all of the crew However Captain E E Walls said he wanted to stay behind.
(380) Several individuals have refused admission into the Order of Merit such as Rudyard Kipling A E Housman and George Bernard Shaw.
(381) Michele was named to People Magazine s Best Dressed List of 2010 as The Newbie and she was voted 2010 Most Stylish Star by E .
(382) In the simplest version there are no mechanical aids attached to the fingerboard extension except a locking nut for the E note.
(383) Bandi Atai Khan is in the south of the district at 34 Â 02 60 N 73 Â 13 0 E It has a height of 1035 metres LRB 3398 feet RRB.
(384) An example of this is his production relationship with Kathleen Kennedy who has served as producer on all his major films from E.
(385) During class, the P.E. teachers in the gymnasium were requiring their students to do 25 push-ups, 10 sprints and 50 jumping jacks.
(386) Modulus of Resilience can be calculated using the following formula where is yield stress E is Young s modulus and is strain.
(387) By 1937 Schoep s Ice Cream had become well known locally and E B Schoephoester sold his company to Peter B Thomsen a butter maker.
(388) The beach is named for Henry E Huntington the head of the Pacific Electric Railway The PE served Huntington Beach for many years.
(389) The March 1906 Scientific American article by American pioneer William E. Which Italian scientist did Baldwin draw inspiration from
(390) Franz H MÃ 14 ller in 1939 and E Schairer in 1943 first used casecontrol epidemiological methods to study lung cancer among smokers.
(391) At the conclusion of his education at the gymnasium, von Neumann sat for and won the Eötvös Prize, a national prize for mathematics
(392) A situated perspective on emotion, developed by Paul E. Who developed a situated perspective on emotion along with Andrea Scarantino?
(393) It infects mainly humans and other primates Also known as E histolytica it is estimated to infect about 50 million people worldwide.
(394) The Talmud has two parts the Mishnah and the Gemara The Mishnah was written down about 200 C E it is about the oral laws of Judaism.
(395) Switzerland lies between latitudes 45° and 48° N, and longitudes 5° and 11° E. Which basic topographical area is in central Switzerland
(396) Enlisted members of the USAF have pay grades from E-1 (entry level) to E-9 (senior enlisted). What is the highest pay grade in the USAF
(397) Switzerland lies between latitudes 45° and 48° N, and longitudes 5° and 11° E. Which basic topographical area is in western Switzerland
(398) The British version of cultural studies had originated in the 1950s and 1960s, mainly under the influence first of Richard Hoggart, E.
(399) The new Karakoram Highway heads farther south and then west over the Khunjerab Pass LRB 4934 m or 16188 ft 36 Â 51 N 75 Â 32 E RRB.
(400) Between 1941 and 1946, the left-wing British historian E. The Assistant Editor of The Times in 1941-1946 strongly supported what stance?
(401) Energy gives rise to weight when it is trapped in a system with zero momentum, where it can be weighed. Who created the formula E = mc2?
(402) Oklahoma City also has several major national and state highways within its city limits. What boulevard turns into E.K Gaylord Boulevard
(403) The Xbox 360 E, a further streamlined variation of the 360 S with a two-tone rectangular case inspired by Xbox One, was released in 2013.
(404) It lies mostly between latitudes 36° and 41° N (a small area is north of 41°), and longitudes 67° and 75° E (a small area is east of 75°)
(405) In November 1996 the world s worst recorded outbreak of E coli occurred in the town in which 20 people died and around 200 were infected.
(406) Together with E C Kendall and P S Hench he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1950 for their discovery of cortisone.
(407) In 1972 he began working for George Parshall in the Experimental Station of the E I du Pont de Nemours and Company in Wilmington Delaware.
(408) G major LRB or the key of G RRB is a major scale based on G with the pitches G A B C D E and LRB LRB Fâ LRB musical note RRB F RRB RRB.
(409) For some beginning wind instrument students however D major is not a very good key because it transposes to E major for B flat instruments.
(410) Linus was found on August 29 2001 by JeanLuc Margot and Michael E Brown while another team also independently detected the moon 3 days later.
(411) When music for orchestra is in A major the timpani are normally set to A and E a fifth apart In most other keys they are set a fourth apart.
(412) In 2007, two FAA whistleblowers, inspectors Charalambe "Bobby" Boutris and Douglas E. Why did Boutris say Peters attempted to ground Southwest?
(413) Energy gives rise to weight when it is trapped in a system with zero momentum, where it can be weighed. In what year did Einstein create E = mc2
(414) For those of us familiar with Chuck E. Cheeses, we all know the value of a token that we can use to exchange for the prizes that we really want.
(415) The producers of the album were Insane Clown Posse and Mike E Clark The album was the third of the Joker Cards in the Dark Carnival mythology.
(416) The producers of the album were Insane Clown Posse and Mike E Clark The album was the fourth of the Joker Cards in the Dark Carnival mythology.
(417) The simplest type of mechanical aid is the use of wooden fingers that can be closed to press the string down and fret the C D Eb or E notes.
(418) The producers of the album were Insane Clown Posse and Mike E Clark The album was the second of the Joker Cards in the Dark Carnival mythology.
(419) In Indian classical music and Indian light music, the mandolin, which bears little resemblance to the European mandolin, is usually tuned E-B-E-B
(420) Oklahoma City was home to several pioneers in radio and television broadcasting. When did E.K. Gaylord's Oklahoma Publishing Compan buy WKY Radio?
(421) Theobroma species are used as food plants by the larvae of some moths of the genus Endoclita including E chalybeatus E damor E hosei and E sericeus.
(422) In many cases the result comes as a number in engineering units LRB 12 E 9 instead of 1200000000 RRB and when that happens ing the result fails.
(423) The P.E. coach often called Julian a useless sluggard because instead of getting up and running the track with his classmates he sat on the bleachers.
(424) ONLY@CENTRAL ONLIN E EXCLUSIVE Color : Bronze Caution: In terms of item color it may be slightly different from each monitor display and specification.
(425) Congo is located in the central-western part of sub-Saharan Africa, along the Equator, lying between latitudes 4°N and 5°S, and longitudes 11° and 19°E
(426) Between 1941 and 1946, the left-wing British historian E. Which major political figure condemned The Times in 1944 for not supporting the British Army?
(427) The name MM comes from the founders name Forrest E Mars Sr The other M comes from the name of the president of the Hershey Company William F R Murrie.
(428) Enlisted members of the USAF have pay grades from E-1 (entry level) to E-9 (senior enlisted). What does junior NCO refer to in the USAF pay grade system
(429) On March 1 2001 a moon of Camilla was found by A Storrs F Vilas R Landis E Wells C Woods B Zellner and M Gaffey using the Hubble Space Telescope.
(430) It is known as a leader in the field of agricultural research It hosts the internationally known E LRB Kika RRB de la Garza Institute for Goat Research.
(431) There would be other film hits like E T The ExtraTerrestrial Back to the Future and Jurassic Park but overall the film business was still hitandmiss.
(432) SU Remix RRB E Black Sun Empire Driving Insane F Black Sun Empire The Rat LRB Kemal Remix RRB G Black Sun Empire Stasis H Black Sun Empire Stu Swipe.
(433) Chlorophyll, the E numbers E140 and E141, is the most common green chemical found in nature, and only allowed in certain medicines and cosmetic materials
(434) Other documentaries have been produced by The Learning Channel (The Secret World of Professional Wrestling) and A&E (Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows).
(435) Jacob and Monod demonstrated that in the bacterium E coli RRB there are specific proteins that repress the transcription of the DNA to its product LRB RNA.
(436) The droppings are one of the leading sources of E coli LRB fecal coliforms RRB bacterial pollution one gram of dog feces contains over 20000000 E coli cells.
(437) The fact that there were any indigenous features in the design were due to the persistence and urging of both the Viceroy Lord Hardinge and historians like E
(438) Invests have numbers from 90 to 99 with a L in the Atlantic E and C in the East and Central Pacific in that order or W in the West Pacific after the number.
(439) LRB LRB Ç 14 Ã Ç cents Æ EÃ Ã Ã Ã Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Æ Æ È È È Ð Ñ Ó á á á á á á á á 14 á 34 á á á á â Î Î á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á Ð Ð Ð Ó 3 Î Æ Ø .
(440) E Earle Ellis LRB Professor of Theology RRB says that this sermon is Jesus asking believers to live in a way that will be standard in the future kingdom of God.
(441) E I du Pont de Nemours and Company LRB ofen DuPont RRB is an American chemical company Eleuthà re Irà nà e du Pont founded it in July 1802 as a gunpowder mill.
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(442) LRB LRB Ç 14 Æ EÃ Ã Ã Ã Ã Ç cents Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Æ Æ È È È Ð Ñ Ó á á á á á á á á 14 á 34 á á á á â Î Î á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á Ð Ð Ð Ó 3 Î Æ Ø .
(443) “Since there are cones, balls, and nets in the gymnasium today,” the middle schooler told her friend, “I see we will be playing volleyball today in P.E. class.”
(444) Later that year Memphis city councilman E C Jones awarded Edwards and Farley with a certificate in appreciation of outstanding contributions to the community .
(445) Lens type: SONY E-MOUNT 35 MM. Focusing distance (mm): 24 Maximum aperture: 1.4 Lens element: 10-13 Minimum focus system (m): 0.24 (0.79 feet) Filter size (mm): 67
(446) From the MixedUp Files of Mrs Basil E Frankweiler is a novel by E L Konigsburg that won the Newbery Medal for excellence in American children s literature in 1968.
(447) The circle depends on enharmonic relationships in the circle which is six sharps or flats for the major keys of F G and D E for minor keys LRB Drabkin 2001 RRB.
(448) At first he letters P E and N stood for Poets Essayists and Novelists Now the group includes any other kinds of writers such as journalists and historians.
(449) Loony Tunes cartoons featured a variety of feckless villains such as Wile E. Coyote, Sylvester the Cat, and Elmer Fudd, who were always outwitted by the good guys .
(450) The stadium was used by many great musicians like The Rolling Stones Bruce Springsteen The E Street Band Queen Bob Dylan Bryan Adams Rod Stewart among others.
(451) There is no natural source for green food colorings which has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Which two E numbers have been approved by the FDA
(452) When writing in E major clarinets in A should be used instead of clarinets in Bflat to make it easier to play This is because clarinets are transposing instruments.
(453) LRB tÅ Å á Ï Ñ Å RRB LRB HÐ Î Ä Ä È Ê Ê á cents á á á á Ð Ò cents Ó Ó Î á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á Ð Î RRB LRB Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(454) Notes below low E appear regularly in double bass parts in the Baroque and Classical eras when the double bass was typically doubling the cello part an octave below.
(455) In 1936 some rich residents of Long Island such as E Roland Harriman asked Grumman to build them an aircraft They would use this aircraft to fly to New York City.
(456) Makemake LRB officially known as 136472 Makemake RRB is a dwarf planet discovered on 31 March 2005 by astronomers Michael E Brown Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz.
(457) Bezos graduated at Princeton University as a under the Tau Beta Pi Association was hired at D E Shaw Co as a financial analyst for before founding Amazoncom in 1994.
(458) Johor has one international airport LRB 30 km away from the city center RRB The Sultan Ismail International Airport in Senai LRB 01 â 38 â 26 â N 103 â 40 â 13 â E RRB.
(459) After Bradley and Chapman Austen scholarship grew very quickly in the 1920s British writer E M Forster pointed out Austen s works for his idea of the round character.
(460) The Australian website Australian Flavour gives an even earlier date 1926 when Home Cookery for New Zealand by E Futter had a recipe for â Meringue with Fruit Filling.
(461) When a tropical depression intensifies into a tropical storm to the north of the Equator between the coastline of the Americas and 140 Â E then it will be named by the NHC.
(462) In 2007, two FAA whistleblowers, inspectors Charalambe "Bobby" Boutris and Douglas E. When did two whisleblowers allege that Boutris attempted to ground Southwest Airlines?
(463) For example Wild Bill Hickok Seth Bullock Sol Star Calamity Jane Al Swearengen Wyatt Earp E B Farnum Charlie Utter and George Hearst have all been used in the series.
(464) When a tropical depression intensifies into a tropical cyclone between the Equator and 10 Â S and between 90 Â E 125 Â E it will be named by the Indonesian Weather Service.
(465) Tropical depressions that should intensify into a tropical cyclone between the Equator and 25 Â S and between 160 Â E 120 Â W are named by the Fiji national weather service.
(466) Part of Richard Strauss Metamorphosen uses F flat major which one commentator has called a bitter enharmonic parody of the earlier manifestations of E major in the piece.
(467) The statement added that two Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18A Hornets, a KC-30A air-to-air refueling aircraft and E-7A Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft were used.
(468) Filamentation is the anomalous LRB not normal RRB growth of certain bacteria such as E coli in which cells continue to elongate but do not divide LRB no septa formation RRB.
(469) G minor symphonies like Mozart s No 25 often used E flat major for the slow movement including Haydn s No 39 and Vanhal s G minor symphony from before 1771 LRB Bryan Gm1 RRB.
(470) According to Forbes' Most Influential Celebrities 2014 list, Spielberg was listed as the most influential celebrity in America. In what year was E-Poll Market Research founded
(471) BBC Scotland produces daily programmes for its Gaelic-speaking viewers, including current affairs, political and children's programming such as the popular Eòrpa and Dè a-nis?.
(472) In 2007, two FAA whistleblowers, inspectors Charalambe "Bobby" Boutris and Douglas E. How many aircrafts were operated commercially that were in compliance with FAA safety rules
(473) Historian Sydney E Ahlstrom saw it as part of a great international Protestant upheaval that also created Pietism in Germany the Evangelical Revival and Methodism in England.
(474) The NESFA gives the Edward E Smith Memorial Award for Imaginative Fiction award each year to a science fiction writer The award is for their work and for acting like Doc Smith.
(475) LRB WÅ á á á á á â RRB LRB HÎ Ä Ä È Ê Ê á cents á á á á Ð Ò cents Ó Ó Î á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á 14 á á 34 Ð Î â Ô Ñ Ò h RRB LRB Ã Ã Ã EÄ Ä Ä Ä á á á 34 á á á .
(476) E 122nd Street runs four blocks (2,250 feet (690 m)) west from the intersection of Second Avenue and terminates at the intersection of Madison Avenue at Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
(477) West has had six songs exceed 3 million in digital sales as of December 2012, with "Gold Digger" selling 3,086,000, "Stronger" selling 4,402,000, "Heartless" selling 3,742,000, "E.
(478) 9540 122nd Street is divided into three noncontiguous segments, E 122nd Street, W 122nd Street, and W 122nd Street Seminary Row, by Marcus Garvey Memorial Park and Morningside Park.
(479) While all USAF military personnel are referred to as Airmen, the term also refers to the pay grades of E-1 through E-4, which are below the level of non-commissioned officers (NCOs)
(480) A situated perspective on emotion, developed by Paul E. Along with infant and animal emotion, what did Scarantino and Griffiths believe the situated perspective could help to explain
(481) E Ink is one of several companies working to develop electronic "paper" for e-newspapers and e-books, and other possible applications _ even clothing with computer screens sewn into it.
(482) In Form 4 and 5 A and B are arts classes C is commercial class D and E are science classes with the students and class teachers being together in the same class in both Form 4 and 5.
(483) The first threecushion billiards tournament took place January 14 31 1878 in C E Mussey s Room in St Louis with McCreery taking part The tournament was won by New Yorker Leon Magnus.
(484) While investigating how a culture of E coli was able to stop the production of phages Luria discovered that specific bacterial strains produce enzymes that cut DNA at certain sequences.
(485) [E] The Eastern Roman Empire, often referred to as the Byzantine Empire after the fall of its western counterpart, had little ability to assert control over the lost western territories.
(486) Congo is located in the central-western part of sub-Saharan Africa, along the Equator, lying between latitudes 4°N and 5°S, and longitudes 11° and 19°E. What is another name for Cabinda?
(487) It has many islets around a central lagoon This is about 251 kilometres LRB 156 mi RRB LRB Nâ S RRB by 184 kilometres LRB 114 mi RRB LRB WE RRB centred on 179 Â 7 â E and 8 Â 30 â S A.
(488) CSI Crime Scene Investigation is an AmericanCanadian crime drama television series that was created by Anthony E Zuiker CSI Crime Scene Investigation debuted on October 6 2000 on CBS.
(489) A situated perspective on emotion, developed by Paul E. Along with infant and animal emotion, what did Scarantino and Griffiths believe the situated perspective could not help to explain?
(490) Escherichia coli or E coli is a bacterium that can be found in human intestines Scientists have studied E coli very well and know more about how E coli cells work than any other organism.
(491) Tropical Depressions intensifying into tropical cyclones in all other areas between 90 Â E and 160 Â E as well as the Equator and 40 Â S are named by the Australian national weather service.
(492) E coli normally grow in soil and in the large intestines of many mammals including humans Most strains of E coli do not cause disease but instead help animals get vitamins and digest food.
(493) Andrew W Mellon gave money and art to help the museum Many lovers of art have given the National Gallery their art collections like Lessing J Rosenwald Samuel H Kress and Joseph E Widener.
(494) Greenwich is a part of London Then lines are drawn in a similar way the opposite LRB or antipodal RRB meridian of Greenwich is considered both 180 Â W LRB est RRB and 180 Â E LRB ast RRB.
(495) His orchestral works from this period include four symphonies a set of Symphonic Variations in E minor the Overture to an Unwritten Tragedy LRB 1893 RRB and the Elegy for Brahms LRB 1897 RRB.
(496) After several days of exploration and evidently profitable sealing Wasp left the Kerguelens on 1823 sailing south and east to record her furthest eastern position at 64 Â 52 S 118 Â 27 E on.
(497) Transposing this up another semitone starting on D would give D E F G A C D which is exactly the same combination of notes as the first one LRB the starting note is not important RRB.
(498) According to Forbes' Most Influential Celebrities 2014 list, Spielberg was listed as the most influential celebrity in America. When did Gerry Philpott become president of E-Poll Market Research?
(499) D major is good for violin music because of the structure of the instrument which has its four strings tuned to G D A E The open strings resonate with the D string producing a special rich sound.
(500) In 2002 the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to Sydney Brenner H Robert Horvitz and John E Sulston for their work on how C elegans s genes cause it to grow and cause some of its cells to die.
(501) USAF rank is divided between enlisted airmen, non-commissioned officers, and commissioned officers, and ranges from the enlisted Airman Basic (E-1) to the commissioned officer rank of General (O-10)
(502) There are four kinds of Giant octopus North Pacific Giant Octopus LRB E dofleini RRB Southern Giant Octopus LRB Enteroctopus magnificus RRB Enteroctopus megalocyathus and Enteroctopus zealandicus.
(503) 7 in E Major
(504) 950°E? / -29.
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(505) However, Chip E
(506) Sprague, John E.
(507) Above the pay grade of E-4 (i
(508) There 's plenty to impress about E.T.
(509) when was Chip E's hit "It's House" released?
(510) The notable absence of Elliott's father in E.
(511) This 90-minute dud could pass for Mike Tyson 's E !
(512) Twenty years later , E.T. is still a cinematic touchstone .
(513) Since Lee is a sentimentalist , the film is more worshipful than your random E !
(514) The name Panthera may be a distortion of the term parthenos (virgin) and Raymond E.
(515) I walked away from this new version of E.T. just as I hoped I would -- with moist eyes .
(516) military where NCO status is achieved when an enlisted person reaches the pay grade of E-5.
(517) I have a confession to make : I did n't particularly like E.T. the first time I saw it as a young boy .
(518) 0°E, and has an area of 212 square miles (549 km2), making it the 32nd largest island of the United States.
(519) In addition to its revised aesthetics, Xbox 360 E also has one fewer USB port and no longer supports S/PDIF
(520) A gymnast's score comes from deductions taken from their start value. What deductions are taken from the E score
(521) A situated perspective on emotion, developed by Paul E. The situated perspective was influenced by what school of thought
(522) In Mesoamerica, a similar set of events (i. What hunting weapon was found in the Southwestern US during 500 to 1200 C.E.?
(523) Dallin H. What annual event at BYU is carried out in memory of former president Rex E. Lee, who built the Museum of Art on campus?
(524) It had been found that the proportion of non-repetitive DNA can vary a lot between species. What is a minority component in E. coli
(525) AFL Global and Ganlan Media were created in 2012 by businessman Martin E. In what month was an exhibition game planned for Guangzhou
(526) A situated perspective on emotion, developed by Paul E. What factors did the situated perspective believe not to be most important?
(527) Helping his father in Visible Speech demonstrations and lectures brought Bell to Susanna E. What sort of student attended Susanna E. Hull
(528) More intimate than spectacular , E.T. is carried less by wow factors than by its funny , moving yarn that holds up well after two decades .
(529) Helping his father in Visible Speech demonstrations and lectures brought Bell to Susanna E. What did Bell help his final student get rid of
(530) AFL Global and Ganlan Media were created in 2012 by businessman Martin E. Who is the Chief Executive Officer of the China American Football League
(531) Polarization is the sum of the E-plane orientations over time projected onto an imaginary plane perpendicular to the direction of motion of the radio wave
(532) The issue of the parentage of Jesus in the Talmud affects also the view of his mother. What event does Raymond E. Brown believe the Toledot Yeshu describes
(533) Unfortunately , Kapur modernizes A.E.W. Mason 's story to suit the sensibilities of a young American , a decision that plucks `` The Four Feathers '' bare .
(534) Furchgott, Class of 1940, received a Lasker Award in 1996 and the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his co-discovery of nitric oxide, Thomas E
(535) Twenty years after its first release , E.T. remains the most wondrous of all Hollywood fantasies -- and the apex of Steven Spielberg 's misunderstood career .
(536) The ring is now made up of ten bells, hung for change ringing, cast in 1971, by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, tuned to the notes: F#, E, D, C#, B, A, G, F#, E and D.
(537) During the early years, MCA also manufactured discs for other companies including Paramount, Disney and Warner Bros. What is unique about the LaserDisc release of E.T.
(538) Watching E.T now , in an era dominated by cold , loud special-effects-laden extravaganzas , one is struck less by its lavish grandeur than by its intimacy and precision .
(539) Congo is located in the central-western part of sub-Saharan Africa, along the Equator, lying between latitudes 4°N and 5°S, and longitudes 11° and 19°E. What is to the west of Gabon
(540) Assuming that the length and width of the plates are much greater than their separation d, the electric field near the centre of the device will be uniform with the magnitude E = ?/e.
(541) What is the modern definition of "E"?
(542) How to Use "E" with Example Sentences.
(543) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "E" is, what would you say?
(544) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "E" can get slippery.
(545) The Best Definition of "E" I’ve Heard So Far.
(546) "E" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note.
(547) What is the best definition of "E"?
(548) What is the definition of an "E"?
(549) What Is "E"? Detailed Definition and Meaning.
(550) Use "E" in a sentence.
(551) The Word "E" in Example Sentences.
(552) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "E".
(553) What is definition of "E" by Merriam-Webster.
(554) "E" in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...).
(555) How do you write a good sentence with "E"?
(556) "E" sentence examples.
(557) "E": In a Sentence.
(558) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "E".
(559) How do you explain "E"?
(560) What can I say instead of "E"?
(561) What is a synonym for "E"?
(562) What is a antonym for "E"?
(563) What do you mean by "E"?
(564) What is another word for "E"?
(565) What is the best definition of "E"?
(566) What is "E" definition and meaning?
(567) How to use "E" in a sentence.
(568) The Word "E" in Example Sentences.
(569) "E" meaning in english, "E" definitions.
(570) Primary meanings of "E".
(571) Full definitions of "E".
(572) Full meaning of "E".
(573) The Word "E" in Example Sentences.
(574) Best definition of "E".
(575) Define "E" in one sentence, define "E" in one word.
(576) What is the meaning of "E" in a sentence.
(577) The Word "E" in Example Sentences.
(578) What is the origin and root of "E".
به جای حفظ کردن لغت E ، جملات کوتاه با E را حفظ کنید.
اگر واقعاً نمی توانید از حفظ کردن دل بکنید، به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی E، جملات کوتاه مختلف با لغت E را حفظ کنید. مثلاً به جای اینکه لغت “university” را به معنی “دانشگاه” حفظ کنید، عبارت “I go to university” به معنی “من به دانشگاه می روم” را حفظ کنید. وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی E، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه E را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از E در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.
جمله سازی با کلمه E
ساختن جمله با E به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی E است. اما برای اینکه مغز شما بتواند لغت E را در آینده به یاد بیاورد، بهترین راه استفاده از روش زیر است:
با لغت E ده جمله بسازید و در هر کدام از جملات معنای متفاوتی از واژه E که می خواهید یاد بگیرید را به کار ببرید. با ساختن جمله از لغات جدید به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.
شاید مهم ترین مفهوم در زبان، جمله باشد. یادگیری ساختار جمله (sentence structure) در انگلیسی و هر زبان دیگری امری بسیار ضروری است. هر زبانی گرامر خاص خودش دارد و بر اساس آن ساختار جمله مشخص می شود. همین نکته در مورد زبان انگلیسی هم صدق می کند. در این زبان هم در هر نوع جمله ای قواعد دستوری خاصی حکم فرما است و هر یک از آن ها نقش مهمی در رساندن دقیق منظورمان دارند.
یک جمله گروهی از کلمات می باشد که در کنار یکدیگر قرار میگیرند و هر کدام از این کلمات اطلاعات خاصی را به ما می دهند. این کلمات اغلب با هم فرق دارند و هر کدام نقش خاص خودشان را در جمله دارند. از مهمترین اجزاء هر جمله می توان به فعل Verb، اسم Noun، صفت Adjective، قید Adverb، حرف ربطی conjunctions، حرف اضافه preposition، حرف تعریف و ... اشاره کرد.
ساختار جملات انگلیسی را می توان به 4 دسته تقسیم کرد.
جمله ساده با E
یک جمله ساده با E از یک بند اصلی که شامل فعل و فاعل است، تشکیل شده که اطلاعات کاملی در مورد یک اتفاق یا حالت را به ما می دهد. قاعده کلی ساختار این جملات به صورت زیر است:
فاعل + فعل قابل صرف
جمله مرکب با E
برخلاف جملات ساده، در جملات مرکب با E، دو بند داریم که با حرف ربط (Conjunction) یا ویرگول (comma) به هم متصل می شوند. نکته ای که باید در این جا به آن توجه شود این است که از آن جایی که دو بندی که در ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با E به کار برده می شوند، مستقل هستند، حتی به صورت جداگانه هم معنا می دهند. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با E بصورت ذیل است:
بند مستقل + حرف ربط همپایه ساز + بند مستقل
جمله پیچیده با E
ساختار جمله پیچیده (complex sentence structure) با E همانطور که از نامش پیداست کمی با جمله مرکب با E فرق دارد. در جملات پیچیده با E، در کنار بند مستقل می توان از یک بند وابسته هم استفاده کرد. یک بند وابسته شامل حرف ربط وابسته ساز (Subordinating conjunction) یا ضمیر موصولی (relative pronoun) است. یادتان باشد این بند با این که فاعل و فعل دارد اما ممکن است معنای کاملی نداشته باشد. بنابراین یک بند وابسته برای این که مفهوم کاملی داشته باشد، به یک بند مستقل نیاز دارد. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات پیچیده انگلیسی با E بصورت ذیل است:
بند مستقل + بند مستقل وابسته
جمله پیچیده – مرکب با E
ساختار پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با E همانطور که از نامش می توان حدس زد، ترکیبی است از جملات پیچیده و مرکب با لغت E. یعنی از دو بند مستقل و یک بند وابسته تشکیل می شود. این بندها با حرف ربط همپایه ساز به هم متصل می شوند. ساختار جملات پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با E بصورت ذیل است:
بند مستقل + بند وابسته + حرف ربط + بند مستقل
– همواره سعی کنید در مکالمه و یا ترجمه فارسی به انگلیسی، از ساختار و کلماتی استفاده نمائید که خود افراد انگلیسی زبان (نیتیو) آن ساختار و کلمات را بکار می برند.
طبیعی است که برای این هدف لازم است شخص ترجمه کننده آنقدر متن انگلیسی خوانده باشد و نسبت به کالوکیشن ها و همایندهای زبان انگلیسی آشنا باشد تا بتواند به مانند انگلیسی زبان های نیتیو، مفهوم را منتقل کند.
مجدداً تاکید میکنیم که صرفاً با ابتکار و خلاقیت های شخصی، بدون تسلط به کالوکیشن های زبان انگلیسی به هیچ وجه این امر میسر نخواهد بود.
در این قسمت مهمترین سوالاتی که در خصوص جمله سازی با E و کاربرد کلمه E در جملات انگلیسی پرسیده می شود آورده شده است. امیدواریم با مطالعه این پاسخ ها به جواب مورد نظرتان دست پیدا کنید.
در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات E را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه E و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای E، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه E نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از E در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه E به کمک همین جملات با E و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت E می باشد.
وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی E، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه E را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از E در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.
ساختن جمله با E به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی E است. با ساختن جمله برای لغت E به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.
در صورتیکه این مطلب برای شما مفید بود، به ما امتیاز بدهید.
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