
جمله انگلیسی با "debated" + تلفظ جملات

در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات debated را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه debated و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای debated، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه debated نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از debated در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه debated به کمک همین جملات با debated و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت debated می باشد.

در قسمت ذیل 137 جمله با debated برای شما آورده شده است. ضمناً شما می توانید با کلیک بر روی علامت بلندگو در کنار هر جمله، تلفظ جمله با debated را نیز گوش دهید.

جمله سازی با لغات مرتبط با debated به انگلیسی

جمله با debater جمله با debaters جمله با debates جمله با debating جمله با debauch جمله با debauched جمله با debauchee جمله با debauchery جمله با debbi جمله با debbie

(1) She debated about his offer.

(2) We debated the matter at length.

(3) They debated closing the school.

(4) Busonly lanes are debated controversially

(5) They debated other parts of the proposal.

(6) Busonly lanes are debated controversially.

(7) He debated on the problem with his parents.

(8) I debated whether to ask her about it or not.

(9) These questions were hotly debated at the time

(10) We debated on the question of world population.

جمله با "debated"

(11) and as they wrote and debated

(12) a matter which was debated in the parliament

(13) and i debated in college

(14) and this was debated in congress for ages and ages.

(15) These questions were hotly debated at the time.

(16) Delegates debated the compromise for many days.

(17) This problem has been debated by many economists.

(18) The teachers debated the problem with the parents.

(19) They debated land reform but never carried it out.

(20) I debated for hours with my friends on the subject.

مثال برای "debated"

(21) The two teams debated on the issue of nuclear power.

(22) The exact origin of this dish has been debated by scholars

(23) The exact origin of this dish has been debated by scholars.

(24) The inspiration for the song has been debated by the band members

(25) The inspiration for the song has been debated by the band members.

(26) The French Revolution is one of the most debated historical events.

(27) Hotly debated topics: proactive stance against discrimination and school busing.

(28) How best to lubricate a bicycle chain is a commonly debated question among cyclists

(29) How best to lubricate a bicycle chain is a commonly debated question among cyclists.

(30) There was quite a kerfuffle at the council meeting when the controversial proposals were being debated.

جمله انگلیسی با کلمه "debated"

(31) But just think about this-- since we last debated in Las Vegas

(32) The demotion of Pluto from the status of a planet was a very hotly debated issue within the astronomical community.

(33) The number of living languages is frequently debated and estimates have varied from five thousand to eight thousand.

(34) What has never been debated?

(35) What keeps being debated in Germany?

(36) What keeps being debated in America

(37) What has been widely debated as a possible act of genocide in Sudan?

(38) I hope the movie is widely seen and debated with appropriate ferocity and thoughtfulness.

(39) What text was proof that Avicenna debated philosophy with some of the greatest scholars of the time

(40) The concept of evolution has been debated for hundreds of years.

جمله انگلیسی با "debated"

(41) What two years are debated as the date in which Menander was born

(42) The exact distance from the Sun to the galactic center is debated.

(43) Details about the conflict between Google and Forestle are debated.

(44) Which country is debated as intermittent and/or least of great powers

(45) Which literature debated the accuracy of the commandments in the Torah?

(46) Which new concept has greatly taken over Simpsons much debated theoretical systematization

(47) This topic was proposed by the 2007 Monterrey Forum as it was not debated in Barcelona 2004.

(48) Which statistics are debated because of the different ways various police forces record crime?

(49) As Janet debated which car to buy

(50) At what university is this issue of accurate consensus for Greeks living elsewhere being debated an

جمله انگلیسی در مورد "debated"

(51) For what body of principles is it debated whether or not it was constructed according to the rule of law

(52) This problem was extensively debated by Adam Smith David Ricardo and Karl RodbertusJagetzow among others.

(53) The rule of law in China has been widely discussed and debated by both legal scholars and politicians in China

(54) Various texts (such as the 'Ahd with Bahmanyar) show that he debated philosophical points with the greatest scholars of the time

(55) The political and theological implications were intensely debated

(56) The fate of the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island remains one of the most widely debated mysteries of American history

(57) In 1517 he published a list of 95 Theses or points to be debated concerning the illicitness of selling indulgences.

(58) Historians have long debated the extent to which the secret network of Freemasonry was a main factor in the Enlightenment

(59) They had to explain what they believed in front of a panel of three clergymen including issues which were then debated within the Church.

(60) It is believed that because of this damage a third building 7 World Trade Center LRB 7 WTC RRB fell at 520 pm but this is a debated subject.

جمله انگلیسی درباره "debated"

(61) The relative nutritional benefits and drawbacks of these dietary changes and their overall impact on early societal development is still debated

(62) Jefferson and James Madison's conceptions of separation have long been debated. How many religious proclamations did Madison issue while President?

(63) Jefferson and James Madison's conceptions of separation have long been debated. What is essential to the purity of both religion and civil government

جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir

(64) Though fiercely debated

(65) But as much as abortion is hotly debated

(66) And as they wrote and debated

(67) Dr. Atkins and I debated each other many times before he died

(68) While the molecular causes of Alzheimer's are still debated

(69) We thought crowds would be wiser if they debated in small groups that foster a more thoughtful and reasonable exchange of information.

(70) And this was debated in Congress for ages and ages.

جمله با کلمه "debated"

(71) The judges debated as to

(72) While his peers debated symptoms and their origins

(73) But perhaps the most challenging part was to convince the regulators -- a matter which was debated in the parliament -- that a young female surgeon be allowed the opportunity to pioneer for her country.

(74) They debated the merits of protest

(75) What distinguishes the campaign finance issue from just about every other one being debated these days is that the two sides do not divide along conventional liberal/ conservative lines.

(76) The subject of criminal rehabilitation was debated recently in City Hall. It's an appropriate place for this kind of discussion because the city has always employed so many ex-cons and future cons.

(77) Early philosophers were divided as to whether the seat of the soul lies in the brain or heart. The seal of the soul was debated to lie in what two organs of the body

(78) The definition of alternative has been debated The award was first presented in 1991 to recognize nonmainstream rock albums heavily played on college radio stations.

(79) These rumors were probably based on the 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane when the deaths of migrant workers initially went uncounted and were still debated at the time of Andrew.

(80) Jefferson and James Madison's conceptions of separation have long been debated. What did Jefferson refuse to issue

جمله برای "debated"

(81) Jefferson and James Madison's conceptions of separation have long been debated. What did Jefferson approve to issue

(82) Ancient Greek philosophers debated the existence of a vacuum

(83) The exact extent of their intelligence and learning capability is much debated among biologists Maze and problemsolving experiments have shown that they do have both short and longterm memory.

(84) [page needed] Claims by Suvorov that Stalin planned to invade Germany in 1941 are debated by historians with

(85) The precise way this temporal structure helps code for pitch at higher levels is still debated

(86) Jefferson and James Madison's conceptions of separation have long been debated. Whose conceptions of separation have long been agreed with?

(87) Historians have long debated the extent to which the secret network of Freemasonry was a main factor in the Enlightenment. To whom was Freemasonry most attractive?

(88) Population geneticists have debated whether the concept of population can provide a basis for a new conception of race. What are both ecological and evolutionary definition modifiers of?

(89) Historians have long debated the extent to which the secret network of Freemasonry was a main factor in the Enlightenment. Freemasonry expanded rapidly to nearly every country in which continent

(90) The necessity of the atomic bombings has long been debated

جمله سازی با "debated"

(91) The committee debated the possibility of a shift function (like in ITA2)

(92) The committee debated the possibility of a shift function (like in ITA2)

(93) The heads of the Zionist settlements debated a great deal as to which language would be chosen as the language of the future state.

(94) Just what time period is Hong Fan a product of? Although people have debated this issue for ages

(95) They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts to be dealt with.

(96) And I think we are realizing increasingly that it's an important issue for the country that has been debated for 30 years

(97) Ronald Reagan would look at the issues that are being debated right here and say

(98) ? When that issue was being debated

(99) As Congressman Bachmann pointed out the last time we debated

(100) What is the modern definition of "debated"?

(101) How to Use "debated" with Example Sentences.

(102) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "debated" is, what would you say?

(103) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "debated" can get slippery.

(104) The Best Definition of "debated" I’ve Heard So Far.

(105) "debated" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note.

(106) What is the best definition of "debated"?

(107) What is the definition of an "debated"?

(108) What Is "debated"? Detailed Definition and Meaning.

(109) Use "debated" in a sentence.

(110) The Word "debated" in Example Sentences.

(111) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "debated".

(112) What is definition of "debated" by Merriam-Webster.

(113) "debated" in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...).

(114) How do you write a good sentence with "debated"?

(115) "debated" sentence examples.

(116) "debated": In a Sentence.

(117) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "debated".

(118) How do you explain "debated"?

(119) What can I say instead of "debated"?

(120) What is a synonym for "debated"?

(121) What is a antonym for "debated"?

(122) What do you mean by "debated"?

(123) What is another word for "debated"?

(124) What is the best definition of "debated"?

(125) What is "debated" definition and meaning?

(126) How to use "debated" in a sentence.

(127) The Word "debated" in Example Sentences.

(128) "debated" meaning in english, "debated" definitions.

(129) Primary meanings of "debated".

(130) Full definitions of "debated".

(131) Full meaning of "debated".

(132) The Word "debated" in Example Sentences.

(133) Best definition of "debated".

(134) Define "debated" in one sentence, define "debated" in one word.

(135) What is the meaning of "debated" in a sentence.

(136) The Word "debated" in Example Sentences.

(137) What is the origin and root of "debated".

نکاتی در خصوص اهمیت یادگیری جملات انگلیسی با debated

به جای حفظ کردن لغت debated ، جملات کوتاه با debated را حفظ کنید.

اگر واقعاً نمی توانید از حفظ کردن دل بکنید، به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی debated، جملات کوتاه مختلف با لغت debated را حفظ کنید. مثلاً به جای اینکه لغت “university” را به معنی “دانشگاه” حفظ کنید، عبارت “I go to university” به معنی “من به دانشگاه می روم” را حفظ کنید. وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی debated، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه debated را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از debated در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.

جمله سازی با کلمه debated

ساختن جمله با debated به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی debated است. اما برای اینکه مغز شما بتواند لغت debated را در آینده به یاد بیاورد، بهترین راه استفاده از روش زیر است:

با لغت debated ده جمله بسازید و در هر کدام از جملات معنای متفاوتی از واژه debated که می خواهید یاد بگیرید را به کار ببرید. با ساختن جمله از لغات جدید به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.

ساختار جملات انگلیسی با debated

شاید مهم ترین مفهوم در زبان، جمله باشد. یادگیری ساختار جمله (sentence structure) در انگلیسی و هر زبان دیگری امری بسیار ضروری است. هر زبانی گرامر خاص خودش دارد و بر اساس آن ساختار جمله مشخص می شود. همین نکته در مورد زبان انگلیسی هم صدق می کند. در این زبان هم در هر نوع جمله ای قواعد دستوری خاصی حکم فرما است و هر یک از آن ها نقش مهمی در رساندن دقیق منظورمان دارند.

یک جمله گروهی از کلمات می باشد که در کنار یکدیگر قرار میگیرند و هر کدام از این کلمات اطلاعات خاصی را به ما می دهند. این کلمات اغلب با هم فرق دارند و هر کدام نقش خاص خودشان را در جمله دارند. از مهمترین اجزاء هر جمله می توان به فعل Verb، اسم Noun، صفت Adjective، قید Adverb، حرف ربطی conjunctions، حرف اضافه preposition، حرف تعریف و ... اشاره کرد.

ساختار جملات انگلیسی را می توان به 4 دسته تقسیم کرد.

جمله ساده با debated

یک جمله ساده با debated از یک بند اصلی که شامل فعل و فاعل است، تشکیل شده که اطلاعات کاملی در مورد یک اتفاق یا حالت را به ما می دهد. قاعده کلی ساختار این جملات به صورت زیر است:

فاعل + فعل قابل صرف

جمله مرکب با debated

برخلاف جملات ساده، در جملات مرکب با debated، دو بند داریم که با حرف ربط (Conjunction) یا ویرگول (comma) به هم متصل می شوند. نکته ای که باید در این جا به آن توجه شود این است که از آن جایی که دو بندی که در ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با debated به کار برده می شوند، مستقل هستند، حتی به صورت جداگانه هم معنا می دهند. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با debated بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + حرف ربط همپایه ساز + بند مستقل

جمله پیچیده با debated

ساختار جمله پیچیده (complex sentence structure) با debated همانطور که از نامش پیداست کمی با جمله مرکب با debated فرق دارد. در جملات پیچیده با debated، در کنار بند مستقل می توان از یک بند وابسته هم استفاده کرد. یک بند وابسته شامل حرف ربط وابسته ساز (Subordinating conjunction) یا ضمیر موصولی (relative pronoun) است. یادتان باشد این بند با این که فاعل و فعل دارد اما ممکن است معنای کاملی نداشته باشد. بنابراین یک بند وابسته برای این که مفهوم کاملی داشته باشد، به یک بند مستقل نیاز دارد. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات پیچیده انگلیسی با debated بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + بند مستقل وابسته

جمله پیچیده – مرکب با debated

ساختار پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با debated همانطور که از نامش می توان حدس زد، ترکیبی است از جملات پیچیده و مرکب با لغت debated. یعنی از دو بند مستقل و یک بند وابسته تشکیل می شود. این بندها با حرف ربط همپایه ساز به هم متصل می شوند. ساختار جملات پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با debated بصورت ذیل است:

بند مستقل + بند وابسته + حرف ربط + بند مستقل

– همواره سعی کنید در مکالمه و یا ترجمه فارسی به انگلیسی، از ساختار و کلماتی استفاده نمائید که خود افراد انگلیسی زبان (نیتیو) آن ساختار و کلمات را بکار می برند.

طبیعی است که برای این هدف لازم است شخص ترجمه کننده آنقدر متن انگلیسی خوانده باشد و نسبت به کالوکیشن ها و همایندهای زبان انگلیسی آشنا باشد تا بتواند به مانند انگلیسی زبان های نیتیو، مفهوم را منتقل کند.

مجدداً تاکید میکنیم که صرفاً با ابتکار و خلاقیت های شخصی، بدون تسلط به کالوکیشن های زبان انگلیسی به هیچ وجه این امر میسر نخواهد بود.

سوالات متداول جمله با debated

در این قسمت مهمترین سوالاتی که در خصوص جمله سازی با debated و کاربرد کلمه debated در جملات انگلیسی پرسیده می شود آورده شده است. امیدواریم با مطالعه این پاسخ ها به جواب مورد نظرتان دست پیدا کنید.

در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات debated را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه debated و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای debated، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه debated نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از debated در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه debated به کمک همین جملات با debated و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت debated می باشد.

وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی debated، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه debated را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از debated در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.

ساختن جمله با debated به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی debated است. با ساختن جمله برای لغت debated به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.

در صورتیکه این مطلب برای شما مفید بود، به ما امتیاز بدهید.

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