در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات deaths را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه deaths و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای deaths، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه deaths نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از deaths در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه deaths به کمک همین جملات با deaths و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت deaths می باشد.
در قسمت ذیل 578 جمله با deaths برای شما آورده شده است. ضمناً شما می توانید با کلیک بر روی علامت بلندگو در کنار هر جمله، تلفظ جمله با deaths را نیز گوش دهید.
(1) No damage or deaths were reported
(2) No damage or deaths were reported.
(3) The accident has caused many deaths.
(4) There were several deaths from drowning.
(5) Going to be more deaths that they thought
(6) There were three deaths in the car crash.
(7) Cowards die many times before their deaths.
(8) Men's lives have meaning, not their deaths.
(9) There were two resignations and three deaths
(10) There were two resignations and three deaths.
(11) Last year, there were more births than deaths.
(12) Diet accounts for more than one million deaths.
(13) We're investigating the deaths of Tom and Mary.
(14) In so many senseless deaths, beauty is to blame.
(15) We're investigating the deaths of Faouzi and Mary.
(16) Dieting accounts for more than one million deaths.
(17) Dont knock on deaths door ring the doorbell and run
(18) Dont knock on deaths door ring the doorbell and run.
(19) A thousand deaths will still be less than he deserves.
(20) A lot of human deaths are caused by smoking cigarettes.
(21) Following the timeline is a chronological list of deaths
(22) We've had combat deaths of women in Iraq and Afghanistan
(23) I can't confirm that that's the actual number of deaths.
(24) Following the timeline is a chronological list of deaths.
(25) The film is littered with darkly comedic deaths and injuries
(26) In the USA, opioids cause more deaths than traffic accidents.
(27) The film is littered with darkly comedic deaths and injuries.
(28) For a number of years there have been deaths during the event
(29) There were 20 more births than deaths in the town last month.
(30) A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.
(31) For a number of years there have been deaths during the event.
(32) The majority of these deaths were due to heart disease or stroke
(33) The number of heroin deaths are growing very, very significantly
(34) The majority of these deaths were due to heart disease or stroke.
(35) The two trains collided at high speed causing hundreds of deaths.
(36) Fortunately the rates of deaths in the United Kingdom have reduced
(37) Fortunately the rates of deaths in the United Kingdom have reduced.
(38) Douglass felt that inoculation caused more deaths than it prevented
(39) For he who lives more lives than one more deaths than one must die.
(40) Douglass felt that inoculation caused more deaths than it prevented.
(41) This condition has led to many deaths and injuries in mountaineering
(42) A study shows lung cancer accounts for 17% of women's cancer deaths.
(43) This condition has led to many deaths and injuries in mountaineering.
(44) They told of the travelings of the colonists and their ultimate deaths
(45) They told of the travelings of the colonists and their ultimate deaths.
(46) There are always two deaths, the real one and the one people know about.
(47) Their deaths were announced by the chairman of Raffles Hospital Doctor Loo Choon Yong
(48) Their deaths were announced by the chairman of Raffles Hospital Doctor Loo Choon Yong.
(49) In particular she associates such a response with our rejection of deaths insistent materiality
(50) In particular she associates such a response with our rejection of deaths insistent materiality.
(51) Current evidence suggests that giving antenatal corticosteroids reduces late miscarriages and baby deaths
(52) Over the last hundred years, there have been twenty-seven recorded deaths from spider bites in Australia.
(53) Current evidence suggests that giving antenatal corticosteroids reduces late miscarriages and baby deaths.
(54) Last year in the Philippines, earthquakes and tidal waves resulted in the deaths of more than 6000 people.
(55) Last year in the Philippines, earthquakes and tidal waves resulted in the deaths of more than 6,000 people.
(56) Every time your work is read, you die several deaths for every word, and poetry is like being flayed alive.
(57) Although CFIT accounted for just over a third of crashes in the past six years, it caused 53% of the deaths.
(58) Worship your body, beauty, and sexual allure and you will die a million deaths before they finally grieve you.
(59) We are frightfully concerned with our own deaths, sometimes so much so that we forget the real purpose of our lives
(60) The Armenian Genocide left a total of one million and five hundred thousand deaths, including men, women and children.
(61) With 19 cases of death forming over 20% of the whole, the grave reality of overwork-deaths has been thrown into relief.
(62) Do not speak wickedness, Tania. God can yet deliver us, if He chooses. If not, we shall glorify Him with our deaths. Jonah Havalseth
(63) We now have, once again, police deaths going up around the country, and in large measure because bad guys now have assault weapons again
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(64) These efforts we've taken over the last three years, 2015 in New Jersey, for the first time in four years, drug overdose deaths have gone down, not up
(65) Books are finite, sexual encounters are finite, but the desire to read and to fuck is infinite; it surpasses our own deaths, our fears, our hopes for peace.
(66) You may die a hundred deaths without a break in the mental turmoil. Or, you may keep your body and die only in the mind. The death of the mind is the birth of wisdom.
(67) We can come to look upon the deaths of our enemies with as much regret as we feel for those of our friends, namely, when we miss their existence as witnesses to our success.
(68) Suicides? Heart attacks? The papers didn't seem interested. The world was full of ways to die, too many to cover. Newsworthy deaths had to be exceptional. Most people go unobserved.
(69) Stories of this kind had been told of the assassination of Julius Caesar not many years before, and they generally have their origin in violent deaths, or in execution of innocent persons.
(70) Look, I am deeply concerned about what's happening in every community in America, and that includes white communities, where we are seeing an increase in alcoholism, addiction, earlier deaths
(71) I have read of the great wars of ages past, and men slaughtered by the tens of thousands. And we give but fleeting consideration to their deaths, for it is our nature to banish such thoughts.
(72) about the deaths
(73) for those deaths.
(74) most of the deaths
(75) 5 injured, no deaths!
(76) that is a lot of deaths
(77) of unnatural deaths and...
(78) and it involved the deaths
(79) and the deaths of those men
(80) for the deaths of 18 people?
(81) than deaths from skin cancer.
(82) the result: most of the deaths
(83) equals the hiv and aids deaths
(84) the 17 million deaths per year
(85) by people with unrelated deaths
(86) as a result, you can see deaths.
(87) it could even cause some deaths.
(88) do not care about civilian deaths
(89) your deaths will help that cause.
(90) for the deaths of those fbi agents
(91) i hope you gave them quick deaths.
(92) three suspicious deaths in fukuoka.
(93) for their deaths to mean something?
(94) that we counted all the child deaths
(95) their deaths will mean our survival.
(96) causing something like 5,500 deaths.
(97) she blamed their deaths on the king.
(98) deaths from everything else go down.
(99) there will be so many deaths. so many.
(100) your notable deaths, just name a year.
(101) you can cut deaths by over 50 percent.
(102) of all deaths on the planet every day.
(103) there is logic underlying these deaths.
(104) stop it! your deaths will be senseless!
(105) the causes of their deaths are unknown.
(106) have led to several deaths in the area.
(107) these are early deaths that take place.
(108) horrible and most likely painful deaths.
(109) hundreds of thousands of needless deaths
(110) because so many deaths occur in the home
(111) we don't have to report civilian deaths.
(112) you stole three deaths from the red god.
(113) there'll be arrests. there'll be deaths.
(114) it has caused almost four million deaths.
(115) horrible, and most likely painful deaths.
(116) they say a coward dies a thousand deaths.
(117) the v's were responsible for their deaths.
(118) deaths from natural disasters in the world
(119) we can cut violent deaths around the world
(120) how many deaths like this have you worked?
(121) we're already preventing millions of deaths
(122) i don't think those deaths are gangrelated.
(123) just like how i am bound to their deaths...
(124) now, before their untimely and tragic deaths
(125) but 25 percent of its global violent deaths.
(126) how would i benefit from those deaths? well?
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(127) this is the number of deaths per year in 2020
(128) deaths caused by online game continue to rise
(129) there's a thousand battlerelated deaths a year
(130) our deaths won't help captain archer or t'pol.
(131) that suggest about 1.3 million deaths per year
(132) five deaths are confirmed were blown to pieces.
(133) how many deaths have you seen in the last year?
(134) these are the recent aids deaths in our community.
(135) so we want less and less and less of child deaths.
(136) maybe these are the deaths that simple rehydration
(137) rather than 20 deaths per 10,000 in this age group.
(138) all this junk food must've caused some deaths, too.
(139) there are so many mysterious deaths to adversaries.
(140) for example, measles was four million of the deaths
(141) and caused the malfunction that led to their deaths.
(142) drownings and asthma deaths don't get much coverage.
(143) in japan there are many deaths where the true reason
(144) that their deaths had nothing to do with lila hoving?
(145) so everything was to hide the deaths in the village...
(146) but yet, it's the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths
(147) i think i've found the answer to this series of deaths.
(148) i'll work quickly to identify the cause of their deaths.
(149) he plotted on a logarithmic scale, going from 100 deaths
(150) i'm authorized to declare births, deaths, and marriages.
(151) we learned it from the deaths of my brothers kol and finn.
(152) at least one of these men is responsible for three deaths.
(153) less deaths from heart attacks, heart failure, less strokes
(154) everything about their deaths is consistent with the others.
(155) per conflict per year in the 1950s to less than 2,000 deaths
(156) our fake deaths were a ruse to trap red john, and it worked.
(157) there are no deaths nor injuries among the nearby residents.
(158) over 13 percent of the deaths were from respiratory illnesses
(159) not long, the worldwide toll will be 10 million deaths a year.
(160) nazir would've died a thousand deaths to make this day happen.
(161) as we have been reporting, the case resulting in four deaths...
(162) deaths actually peaked at a bit over five million in the 1930s.
(163) and, as you can see, the death rate goes down from 65,000 deaths
(164) over 15 percent of the deaths among adults and children occurred
(165) and europe in the twentieth century, and includes all the deaths
(166) so that the deaths of countless innocent people don't go to waste
(167) in grief at her comrades' deaths... her heart has turned to steel.
(168) mmhmm. our fake deaths were a ruse to trap red john, and it worked.
(169) estimates that the worldwide toll right now is 700,000 deaths a year.
(170) your family. it was the v's. the v's were responsible for their deaths.
(171) a double coffin for double deaths. something must have fouled things up.
(172) There is only one God and all atheists will learn that after their deaths
(173) which basically ended up representing all the deaths in the neighborhoods
(174) its sinking and the deaths of thousands of crewmen is a brazen act of war
(175) but they transferred him to another reform school, and the deaths stopped.
(176) and in local news, two more teenage deaths have occurred... both suicides.
(177) one man, special agent alexander mahone, is responsible for multiple deaths.
(178) a dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.
(179) each of the dates you mentioned corresponds with one of the 73 cardiac deaths.
(180) Worldwide, 7,183 SARS cases and 514 deaths have been reported in 30 countries.
(181) the first time that was attempted on earth, the result was thirtymillion deaths.
(182) jim fowkes wasn't the only one to benefit from the deaths at canonebersole, was he?
(183) when i checked the suspicious deaths nationwide, specifically by hanging, there were
(184) This series will fall apart soon, unless there were several deaths before each book.
(185) see if you can find any suspicious deaths during that time where a finger was cut off.
(186) detective matthews and detective hoffman in under 90 minutes, resulting in their deaths.
(187) anyway, we can't rely on the government to help us figure out the cause of these deaths.
(188) This was one of the casualties of war, that trust itself seemed to die a thousand deaths.
(189) and that when it's enacted, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of deaths will result.
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(190) dr. morbius, just what were the symptoms... of all those other deaths, the unnatural ones?
(191) i care about my people and i don't take their deaths lightly, and i know you don't either.
(192) the deaths of ayukawa sensei and kanzakikun are serial murder committed by the same culprit.
(193) since the waynes' deaths, he's doubled his fortune. including a huge piece of the arkham deal.
(194) you can watch the c.i.a. take credit for your deaths from a villa in the paradise of your choice.
(195) our carrier sinking and the deaths of thousands of crewmen is a brazen act of war that cannot go unanswered.
(196) she was a sweet kid. and i'm sorry about your police officer too. but their deaths have nothing to do with us.
(197) he'll do whatever it takes to make the deaths look official... like they happened in the line of duty... disappearances
(198) i came across some documents that... disproved what you'd been led to believe about... that car accident, their... their deaths.
(199) This is not what this is.All it does is go over general history but gives no info as to how many deaths were actually due to war.
(200) this is about justice for 82 children whose deaths were never acknowledged and whose murder is a stain on the soul of this nation.
(201) this is about justice for 82 children whose deaths were never acknowledged, and whose murder is a stain on the soul of this nation.
(202) he is also implicated in the deaths of two scientists, a military officer, an idaho state trooper and possibly two canadian hunters.
(203) this is about justice for 82 children... whose deaths were never acknowledged and whose murder is a stain on the soul of this nation.
(204) i've heard about all of your deaths countless times from syphilis to smallpox, but getting this story out of you is like pulling teeth.
(205) Be absolutely assured that we will die long before our own deaths if we ever allow the fear of adulthood to kill the wonder of childhood.
(206) Time: her heart wretched. What a useless thing, her mind growled. Only humans would be so arrogant and so stupid as to count down their own deaths.
(207) Between 1990 and 2010 the number of deaths from COPD decreased slightly from 3.1 million to 2.9 million and became the fourth leading cause of death.
(208) anyway, when charting my exact reappearances, as using witness accounts and the occasional police report, and comparing them with my likely times of deaths...
(209) an agent is already dead because of this machine, and right now, there's a tunnel out there that's gonna cease to exist causing who knows how many more deaths.
(210) In the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake that struck the Kinki region, 85% of deaths were When evacuating, turn off the When leaving your home to Evacuate on foot.
(211) and to the members of this body, i would say, if you withdraw from this fight, the deaths of these three men will serve as nothing more than a call to surrender.
(212) A bed is a place where so much of life is played out - births and deaths and passions and dreaming - all the most fundamental moments of our fragile human existence.
(213) 5 million deaths
(214) 3 million deaths (5
(215) It caused 57 deaths.
(216) It caused 121 deaths.
(217) There were no deaths.
(218) No deaths were reported.
(219) Boris caused ten deaths.
(220) 45 million deaths, about 0.
(221) It caused at least 4 deaths.
(222) See also Category 0 s deaths.
(223) The hurricane caused 500 deaths.
(224) This hurricane caused 105 deaths.
(225) Ike may have caused up to 195 deaths.
(226) A million deaths is just a statistic .
(227) Near its path Lane caused four deaths.
(228) Iniki also was responsible for 6 deaths.
(229) Most major events (weddings, deaths, ect.
(230) There were no reports of damage or deaths.
(231) On land Ismael caused 59 deaths in Mexico.
(232) How many deaths occurred due to encephelitis
(233) What disease had the biggest decline of deaths
(234) It drifted over the island causing 100 deaths.
(235) What caused the deaths of many school children?
(236) Fabian caused 300 million in damage and 8 deaths.
(237) What infections disease causes more deaths than HIV?
(238) Many deaths occurred before World War II due to what
(239) How many deaths occurred during the 2007 heavy rains
(240) How many deaths did the Soviet Union suffer in the war
(241) On October 4 a hurricane hit Cuba causing 101 deaths.
(242) No damage or deaths were reported as a result of Helene.
(243) What percentage of deaths were caused by TB in the 1950s
(244) More than 95% of deaths occurred in developing countries
(245) Virginia had the most deaths and damage from the hurricane.
(246) How many deaths were reported only in the Sichuan province?
(247) The other five deaths were also due to landslides in Oaxaca.
(248) At least 537 deaths have been blamed on Hanna most in Haiti.
(249) The tire was found to be defective and the cause of 34 deaths.
(250) Four deaths two in each of Nayarit and Durango were reported.
(251) In 1815, one in four deaths in England was due to "consumption"
(252) What percentage of deaths does unipolar depressive disorder cause
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(253) It was marred by terrorism and sabotage resulting in 600 deaths.
(254) There was no deaths because Blanca s impact was generally minimal.
(255) I On September 4 a hurricane hit South Carolina causing 37 deaths.
(256) How many civilian deaths occurred as a result of the Plymouth Blitz
(257) Why are 99% of pesticide related deaths in underdeveloped countries?
(258) Notable among these was a 75% decline in deaths due to tuberculosis
(259) Marilyn was the cause of seven deaths most due to drowning on boats.
(260) The autocratic dictator ordered the deaths of people who opposed him.
(261) The rain reached 321 i However no deaths or bad damage were reported.
(262) I On September 7 a hurricane hit near Cape Florida causing 38 deaths.
(263) The siren would use her voice to lure sailors to their sepulchral deaths.
(264) In the United States there were no direct deaths blamed on the hurricane.
(265) About 1. What is the estimate of total deaths from stunted growth in 2013?
(266) It caused 200 deaths and is estimated to have been a Category 4 hurricane.
(267) 45 million deaths occurred, most of these occurring in developing countries
(268) The storm caused 190 deaths and 11 billion in damage across Central America.
(269) The only deaths reported were two drownings on Oahu that occurred on July 23.
(270) The actual number of deaths in the war is unknown, but 100,000 is the estimate.
(271) It caused around 163 deaths and brought damage throughout the areas it affected.
(272) 11 of the 13 vessels in the harbor at Pensacola Bay were lost causing 35 deaths.
(273) Alcohol-related fatalities accounted for 41 percent of the total number of deaths.
(274) Each attempt to rescue the trapped victims was disastrous and ended in more deaths.
(275) V On September 20 another hurricane hit Dominica causing an additional 165 deaths.
(276) The explosion caused two deaths two injured and 70 miners stayed trapped for 7 hours.
(277) I A hurricane hit the Cayman Islands and western Cuba on August 27 causing 33 deaths.
(278) How many deaths are believed to be caused in Hyderabad due to air pollution each year?
(279) Many traffic related deaths are avoidable and can be prevented by the using seatbelts.
(280) One of these deaths was the result of a landslide that killed a man in Xalapa Veracruz.
(281) Reports estimated that the massacres in Adana Province resulted in 20000 to 30000 deaths.
(282) spend all of [the Trust's] resources within 20 years after Bill's and Melinda's deaths".
(283) A powerful hurricane hit Dominica and Martinique beginning August 25 causing 3000 deaths.
(284) It caused 300 LRB or more deaths RRB but managed to break a drought in the Richmond area.
(285) During the war, there were many casualties and deaths on both sides of the armed conflict.
(286) In the legend, the colossus ogre was responsible for the deaths of many missing warriors.
(287) Missing its original target, the wayward missile caused unintended deaths in a nearby city.
(288) In the United States Charley caused ten deaths and 154 billion in damage LRB 2004 USD RRB.
(289) The policeman did not relish having to telling families about the deaths of their loved ones.
(290) I Early in the season a hurricane moved through the Bahamas around June 5 causing 52 deaths.
(291) In all Fabian caused around 300 million LRB 2003 USD 357 million in damage and eight deaths.
(292) The eruption caused an estimated 23000 deaths 5000 injuries and destroyed more than 5000 homes.
(293) After crossing the island it moved slowly over the Florida Keys causing 1200 more deaths there.
(294) Marilyn caused a lot of damage and 13 deaths in the United States Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.
(295) It beat the old record from Hurricane Andrew Katrina left 812 billion in damage and 1836 deaths.
(296) It is one of the rarer types of skin cancer but causes the majority of skin cancer related deaths.
(297) The hurricane caused severe flooding damaged 53 boats caused 6000000 in damage and 100 deaths.
(298) Extensive damage occurred to the islands but no deaths occurred and only one injury was reported.
(299) Lack of adaptation to the heavy rain contributed to five deaths and widespread flooding and damage
(300) Out of all of the countries, the Soviet Union bore the greatest number of deaths during World War II.
(301) The intoxicated driver should be held accountable for all the deaths caused by his reckless behavior.
(302) After millions of Vietnamese deaths the war ended with the fall of Saigon to the North in April 1975.
(303) In spring 2005 the name Jeanne was retired because of the severe damage and the high number of deaths.
(304) Using a kit to secure furniture to the wall is an expensive way to prevent toddler deaths in the home.
(305) On September 15 a hurricane hit northeast Florida destroying several houses but leading to no deaths.
(306) Old World diseases accounted for up to what percentage of deaths among the native New World population?
(307) This storm caused up to 150 million in damage LRB 2008 USD RRB and may have caused at least 75 deaths.
(308) Using the recent deaths to solidify his position, the senator lobbied for stricter gun laws in the area.
(309) If the two countries do not put their strife to rest, they will cause the deaths of thousands of citizens.
(310) The storm caused at least 169 deaths along its path primarily in Hispaniola due to flooding and mudslides.
(311) Barbados was struck by a hurricane on October 21 causing 250 deaths as it moved through the Lesser Antilles.
(312) The serotypes that have been confirmed in humans ordered by the number of known human pandemic deaths are .
(313) Mali has one of the world's highest rates of infant mortality, with 106 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2007
(314) prevented an estimated 52 million cases of the disease, 17,400 cases of mental retardation, and 5,200 deaths.
(315) Both Jesus and King Carnival may be seen as expiatory figures who make a gift to the people with their deaths
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(316) Nobody thought the voyage would end with the deaths of thousands of people and the destruction of the Titanic.
(317) As the disease spread globally, astounded researchers were able to document an unprecedented number of deaths.
(318) Due to it being so contagious and no cure, the suffusion of Aids has resulted in many deaths throughout Africa.
(319) About 64 of the total damage and 68 of the total deaths from the storm happened in North Carolina and Virginia.
(320) The parapet wraps around the top of the world's tallest building and keeps tourists from falling to their deaths.
(321) It continued through the islands affecting Puerto Rico on the 23rd causing more damage and deaths along its path.
(322) These resulted in the deaths and displacement of more than half a million people and devastated Liberia's economy.
(323) Organs from brain deaths however have a better success rate and currently most organ donation is from these deaths.
(324) The top three single agent/disease killers are HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. Who makes up no percentage of diarrheal deaths
(325) The soldiers were placed in prison for taking part in the holocaust that resulted in the deaths of thousands of people.
(326) Section::::Deadliest earthquakes. The following is a summary list of earthquakes with over approximately 100,000 deaths:
(327) As of 14 January 2011 the floods have led to 30 deaths 15 of which are from the Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley area.
(328) Who was the military theorist in 1939 who said 250,000 deaths and injury could occur in the first week of war in Britian
(329) Malaria kills more residents; 9% of the population have reported infection, It causes three times as many deaths as AIDS.
(330) Elsewhere in the country the typhoon caused lots of damage and 42 deaths and shipwrecks left another 44 killed or missing.
(331) Onethird of all human deaths are from povertyrelated causes 18 million annually including 12 million children under five.
(332) It continued westnorthwestward to hit Puerto Rico causing 1300 deaths before tracking to the west of Bermuda by August 2.
(333) Some of these tropical cyclones have caused deaths or a lot of property damage usually because of flooding created by rain.
(334) These bombings resulted in the immediate deaths of around 120000 people while more died over time due the nuclear radiation.
(335) The top three single agent/disease killers are HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. Who makes up a large percentage of diarrheal deaths
(336) The acceleration of residential development has resulted in the deaths of thousands of wild animals within the last two years.
(337) Thus began a four-month conflict that destroyed or damaged much of Brazzaville and caused tens of thousands of civilian deaths
(338) One-third of the world's population is thought to be infected with TB. What percentage of deaths worldwide died from TB in 2014?
(339) The cyclone was responsible for between 22 and 38 deaths and between 500 million and 1 billion in destruction LRB 1994 USD RRB.
(340) World War Two has the largest death toll of any war in all of human history, with millions of deaths on both sides of the conflict.
(341) He has spoken out at many international conferences about victims of uranium mining depleted uranium and associated cancer deaths.
(342) The Confederates had the advantage of defending a very large country in an area where disease caused twice as many deaths as combat
(343) The violence continued to increase and resulted in the deaths of at least 5 Europeans including government employees and civilians.
(344) Prosecution of several innocent victims took place during the Salem witch trials, lead to the deaths of many after make-believe trials.
(345) Overall impact was minor there were no reported power outages deaths injuries or maritime emergencies in association with the storm.
(346) In 1997 Simpson was found liable for their wrongful deaths in civil court but to date he has paid little of the 335 million judgment.
(347) Since they tend to breed in semipermanent wetlands baby Tiger Salamanders often experience mass deaths in association with pond drying.
(348) In Kazakhstan on June 19, 1989, young men carrying guns, firebombs, iron bars and stones rioted in Zhanaozen, causing a number of deaths.
(349) As of 2010, the maternal mortality rate was 560 deaths/100,000 live births, and the infant mortality rate was 59. What does FGM stand for
(350) Thanatos sisters Keres where the spirits of violant death they where connected with deaths from battle disease accident and murder.
(351) In 1975 the US DOT conservatively identified a 0. What organization made their own estimation in 1995 of a drop in traffic deaths by 1.2%?
(352) Two years later the remnants of Hurricane Joanne caused flooding that created damages up to 10 million LRB 1972 USD RRB and eight deaths.
(353) Fabian the sixth named storm fourth hurricane and first major hurricane of the season Fabian caused 300 million in damage and 8 deaths.
(354) With hundreds of deaths and billions of dollars in damage this season was one of the most costliest and deadliest Pacific hurricane seasons.
(355) Studies from the University of Birmingham showed that deaths because of pneumonia and air pollution from motor vehicles like cars are related.
(356) It is possible that around 62 million people died in the war; estimates vary greatly. What percent of the deaths during the war were civilians?
(357) However the deaths of his siblings two years later may have contributed to a decline in the family fortunes since his father took up drinking.
(358) Cindy was responsible for a total of 3 deaths in the United States and for bringing heavy rains to Louisiana Mississippi Alabama and Maryland.
(359) The hurricane s strong winds waves rains and storm surge caused over 45 deaths across ten countries and caused estimated damages of US 15 billion.
(360) Moving westnorthwest the cyclone strengthened into a major hurricane which hit the southern North Carolina coast on August 23 and led to 42 deaths.
(361) Skin cancers result in 80,000 deaths a year as of 2010, 49,000 of which are due to melanoma and 31,000 of which are due to non-melanoma skin cancers.
(362) Besides sporadic killings and deaths due to the poor living conditions many inmates arriving at Jasenovac were scheduled for systematic liquidation.
(363) In 2006 Firestone announced a new effort to recall the same tires recalled in 2000 More of the tires had been linked to recent deaths and injuries.
(364) Tennessee imposes an inheritance tax on decedents' estates that exceed maximum single exemption limits ($1,000,000 for deaths in 2006 and thereafter)
(365) Some members of MK committed terrorist acts to achieve their aims and MK was responsible for the deaths of both civilians and members of the military.
(366) This list includes those whose deaths were part of The Holocaust as well as people who died in other ways at the hands of the Nazis during World War II.
(367) The sexual imbalance LRB more men than women RRB and the slavery of the Tahitian men by the mutineers led to fighting and the deaths of most of the men.
(368) Only a few deaths are certain but for many of the victims there were no records Also the fire may have cremated many leaving no recognisable remains.
(369) 16 deaths in seven states are blamed directly on the hurricane 35 more deaths in six states and one province were not directly related to the hurricane.
(370) Two other deaths were reported elsewhere in the country and more than 34000 people fled their homes due to the storm more than 7500 houses were damaged.
(371) Despite lowering rates in surrounding countries, cholera rates were reported in November 2012 to be on the rise, with 1,500 cases reported and nine deaths
(372) Its mission is to prevent workrelated injuries illnesses and deaths by making and enforcing rules LRB called standards RRB for workplace safety and health.
(373) Malaria kills more residents; 9% of the population have reported infection, It causes three times as many deaths as AIDS. What kills more residents than AIDS
(374) The main active ingredient of beer is alcohol, and therefore, the health effects of alcohol apply to beer. What are 3.3% of all deaths believed to be due to?
(375) The main active ingredient of beer is alcohol, and therefore, the health effects of alcohol apply to beer. What are 5.9 million deaths believed to be due to?
(376) Afterward 50 people had died from flooding by Opal in Guatemala and Mexico with another 13 deaths in the United States directly or indirectly related to Opal.
(377) John Allen Muhammad LRB December 31 1960 November 10 2009 RRB was a convicted American spree killer responsible for ten deaths in the Washington area in 2002.
(378) A prediction could be made regarding the outcome of a random car accident on the dangerous road based on the number of deaths that occur on that road every year.
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(379) At least 20 deaths occurred though The loss of life was so heavy that the newspapers did not have space enough to give all the details of the marine disasters .
(380) The Mexican Revolution involved a civil war with hundreds of thousands of deaths and large numbers fleeing combat zones. What UK General led troops against Villa?
(381) Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as one beside himself) I more; in labors more abundantly, in prisons more abundantly, in stripes above measure, in deaths oft.
(382) The hurricane known as the Hurricane of San Marcos or the Straits of Florida Hurricane caused lots of flooding in Cuba and south Florida resulting in 2000 deaths.
(383) By 1909 there were no more resident palagi traders representing the trading companies, although both Whibley and Restieaux remained in the islands until their deaths
(384) ISIS members use basic information LRB age sex parents place of birth reports of deaths etc RRB collected in the ISIS system to care for and manage their animals.
(385) Once the missionaries realized the causality of the child deaths in this third world country was malnutrition, they pleaded with their church to supply money for food.
(386) Hurricane Marilyn was the strongest storm to hit the Virgin Islands since Hurricane Hugo of 1989 and caused thirteen deaths and more than 2 billion dollars in damage.
(387) Further firefights between Armenian militiamen and Soviet troops occurred in Sovetashen, near the capital and resulted in the deaths of over 26 people, mostly Armenians
(388) As of 2010, the maternal mortality rate was 560 deaths/100,000 live births, and the infant mortality rate was 59. What was the infant mortality rate of the Congo in 1990?
(389) The BBC asked Carol Ann Duffy the Poet laureate to write a poem to mark the deaths of Allingham and Harry Patch LRB who died one week after Allingham on 25 July 2009 RRB.
(390) These rumors were probably based on the 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane when the deaths of migrant workers initially went uncounted and were still debated at the time of Andrew.
(391) Despite state prohibitions against torture and custodial misconduct by the police torture is widespread in police custody which is a major reason behind deaths in custody.
(392) In Kazakhstan on June 19, 1989, young men carrying guns, firebombs, iron bars and stones rioted in Zhanaozen, causing a number of deaths. Where was the fatal June 19th riots
(393) After the deaths of Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger at Imola in 1994 the Estoril track was changed A new chicane was built in place of the tank curve as a safety measure.
(394) Subtropical Storm One caused three deaths in Florida sank a fishing ship off the coast of North Carolina and caused 10 million in damage LRB 1982 USD 20 million 2005 USD RRB.
(395) I A minor hurricane that impacted Cuba continued onward to Charleston South Carolina on September 10 causing many deaths tornadoes and crop damage as it moved across the state.
(396) In 2005 breast cancer caused 502000 deaths LRB 7 of cancer deaths almost 1 of all deaths RRB in the world Among all women in the world breast cancer is the most common cancer.
(397) Following the deaths of Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger at the San Marino Grand Prix many Grand Prix circuits were modifed in order to reduce speed and increase driver safety.
(398) 4 Ms according to CEA) hit northeast of the original earthquake's epicenter, in Qingchuan County, Sichuan, causing eight deaths, 1000 injuries, and destroying thousands of buildings.
(399) Triapitsyn decided to attack the remaining Japanese troops which helped capture the Japanese garrison and deaths of all but 122 Japanese nonarmy members In all about 700 people died.
(400) For example cancer is responsible for many deaths but is not considered a pandemic because the disease is not infectious LRB although certain causes of some types of cancer might be RRB.
(401) A single blow from an axe cut the rope that held the large four-sided platform, and the prisoners (except for one whose rope had broken and who had to be re-hanged) fell to their deaths
(402) This has a natural increase since the last census of 6413 people LRB that is 71276 births minus 64863 deaths RRB and an increase because of net migration of 41808 people into the state.
(403) It does not appear to be very addictive and no deaths have been reported following taking BZP once There have been at least two deaths which resulted from the combination of BZP and MDMA.
(404) In Europe, rates of tuberculosis began to rise in the early 1600s to a peak level in the 1800s, when it caused nearly 25% of all deaths. What year was the Medical Research Council created?
(405) This is a natural increase since the last census of 121054 people LRB that is 502457 births minus 381403 deaths RRB and an increase because of net migration of 104991 people into the state.
(406) The 1985 Mexico City Earthquake was an earthquake that happened in Mexico City on September 19 1985 It had a magnitude of 81 and the the number of people killed added up to 10000 deaths.
(407) The city of Toowoomba in the Darling Downs was hit by flash flooding after more than 160 m of rain fell in 36 hours to 10 January 2011 This event caused four deaths in a matter of hours.
(408) Studies have shown that logging in the forest between the Yarra Valley National Park and Mount Bullfight Conservation Reserve in February 2006 led to the deaths of most possums in the area.
(409) This has a natural increase since the last census of 205321 people LRB that is 353091 births minus 147770 deaths RRB and an increase because of net migration of 159957 people into the state.
(410) These goals are designed to eliminate poverty, discrimination, abuse and preventable deaths, address environmental destruction, and usher in an era of development for all people, everywhere
(411) The Axe Murder Incident in August 1976 involved the attempted trimming of a poplar tree which resulted in two deaths LRB CPT Arthur Bonifas and 1LT Mark Barrett RRB and Operation Paul Bunyan.
(412) V A system that affected the Caicos Islands on August 24 moved northwest to strike as a compact major hurricane near Charleston South Carolina on August 27 causing many deaths due to drowning.
(413) On 25 January 1952, a confrontation between British forces and police at Ismailia resulted in the deaths of 40 Egyptian policemen, provoking riots in Cairo the next day which left 76 people dead
(414) Those whose grave sites these were placed at usually died at a very young age or in a violent manner and the tablet was supposed to help lay their souls to rest in spite of their untimely deaths.
(415) Things got worse after the tragic deaths of Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger at the San Marino Grand Prix Wendlinger was seriously injured in a crash during practice for the Monaco Grand Prix.
(416) In 2007 breast cancer caused about 40910 deaths LRB 7 of cancer deaths almost 2 of all deaths RRB in the US Women in the United States have a 1 in 8 chance of getting breast cancer in their lives.
(417) about the deaths
(418) for those deaths.
(419) most of the deaths
(420) 5 deaths per 1,000
(421) 5 injured, no deaths!
(422) that is a lot of deaths
(423) of unnatural deaths and...
(424) and it involved the deaths
(425) and the deaths of those men
(426) 34 deaths/1,000 live births
(427) for the deaths of 18 people?
(428) than deaths from skin cancer.
(429) the result: most of the deaths
(430) equals the hiv and aids deaths
(431) the 17 million deaths per year
(432) How many deaths were reported?
(433) by people with unrelated deaths
(434) as a result, you can see deaths.
(435) it could even cause some deaths.
(436) do not care about civilian deaths
(437) your deaths will help that cause.
(438) for the deaths of those fbi agents
(439) i hope you gave them quick deaths.
(440) How many deaths were there in 2013
(441) three suspicious deaths in fukuoka.
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(442) for their deaths to mean something?
(443) that we counted all the child deaths
(444) their deaths will mean our survival.
(445) causing something like 5,500 deaths.
(446) she blamed their deaths on the king.
(447) deaths from everything else go down.
(448) there will be so many deaths. so many.
(449) your notable deaths, just name a year.
(450) you can cut deaths by over 50 percent.
(451) of all deaths on the planet every day.
(452) there is logic underlying these deaths.
(453) stop it! your deaths will be senseless!
(454) the causes of their deaths are unknown.
(455) have led to several deaths in the area.
(456) these are early deaths that take place.
(457) horrible and most likely painful deaths.
(458) hundreds of thousands of needless deaths
(459) because so many deaths occur in the home
(460) we don't have to report civilian deaths.
(461) you stole three deaths from the red god.
(462) there'll be arrests. there'll be deaths.
(463) it has caused almost four million deaths.
(464) horrible, and most likely painful deaths.
(465) they say a coward dies a thousand deaths.
(466) the v's were responsible for their deaths.
(467) deaths from natural disasters in the world
(468) we can cut violent deaths around the world
(469) how many deaths like this have you worked?
(470) we're already preventing millions of deaths
(471) i don't think those deaths are gangrelated.
(472) just like how i am bound to their deaths...
(473) now, before their untimely and tragic deaths
(474) but 25 percent of its global violent deaths.
(475) how would i benefit from those deaths? well?
(476) this is the number of deaths per year in 2020
(477) deaths caused by online game continue to rise
(478) 3%, while births and deaths accounted for -2.
(479) there's a thousand battlerelated deaths a year
(480) our deaths won't help captain archer or t'pol.
(481) that suggest about 1.3 million deaths per year
(482) five deaths are confirmed were blown to pieces.
(483) how many deaths have you seen in the last year?
(484) How many more deaths does malaria cause vs. AIDS
(485) What caused the deaths of half of Cork's citizens
(486) these are the recent aids deaths in our community.
(487) so we want less and less and less of child deaths.
(488) maybe these are the deaths that simple rehydration
(489) rather than 20 deaths per 10,000 in this age group.
(490) all this junk food must've caused some deaths, too.
(491) there are so many mysterious deaths to adversaries.
(492) for example, measles was four million of the deaths
(493) How many deaths in France were caused by TB in 1815
(494) and caused the malfunction that led to their deaths.
(495) drownings and asthma deaths don't get much coverage.
(496) in japan there are many deaths where the true reason
(497) 9% of all deaths) are believed to be due to alcohol.
(498) that their deaths had nothing to do with lila hoving?
(499) so everything was to hide the deaths in the village...
(500) but yet, it's the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths
(501) i think i've found the answer to this series of deaths.
(502) i'll work quickly to identify the cause of their deaths.
(503) he plotted on a logarithmic scale, going from 100 deaths
(504) i'm authorized to declare births, deaths, and marriages.
جستجو در دیکشنری EnglishVocabulary.ir(505) we learned it from the deaths of my brothers kol and finn.
(506) at least one of these men is responsible for three deaths.
(507) When were deaths from TB in England reduced to one in six?
(508) less deaths from heart attacks, heart failure, less strokes
(509) everything about their deaths is consistent with the others.
(510) per conflict per year in the 1950s to less than 2,000 deaths
(511) our fake deaths were a ruse to trap red john, and it worked.
(512) there are no deaths nor injuries among the nearby residents.
(513) over 13 percent of the deaths were from respiratory illnesses
(514) not long, the worldwide toll will be 10 million deaths a year.
(515) nazir would've died a thousand deaths to make this day happen.
(516) as we have been reporting, the case resulting in four deaths...
(517) deaths actually peaked at a bit over five million in the 1930s.
(518) and, as you can see, the death rate goes down from 65,000 deaths
(519) over 15 percent of the deaths among adults and children occurred
(520) and europe in the twentieth century, and includes all the deaths
(521) so that the deaths of countless innocent people don't go to waste
(522) Which group was responsible for the deaths of the Boston martyrs?
(523) in grief at her comrades' deaths... her heart has turned to steel.
(524) These deaths, announced on state radio, led to the Sumgait Pogrom
(525) mmhmm. our fake deaths were a ruse to trap red john, and it worked.
(526) estimates that the worldwide toll right now is 700,000 deaths a year.
(527) your family. it was the v's. the v's were responsible for their deaths.
(528) a double coffin for double deaths. something must have fouled things up.
(529) which basically ended up representing all the deaths in the neighborhoods
(530) its sinking and the deaths of thousands of crewmen is a brazen act of war
(531) but they transferred him to another reform school, and the deaths stopped.
(532) and in local news, two more teenage deaths have occurred... both suicides.
(533) These partially fulfilled plans resulted in the deaths of an estimated 19
(534) one man, special agent alexander mahone, is responsible for multiple deaths.
(535) a dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.
(536) each of the dates you mentioned corresponds with one of the 73 cardiac deaths.
(537) the first time that was attempted on earth, the result was thirtymillion deaths.
(538) jim fowkes wasn't the only one to benefit from the deaths at canonebersole, was he?
(539) when i checked the suspicious deaths nationwide, specifically by hanging, there were
(540) see if you can find any suspicious deaths during that time where a finger was cut off.
(541) What is the modern definition of "deaths"?
(542) How to Use "deaths" with Example Sentences.
(543) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "deaths" is, what would you say?
(544) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "deaths" can get slippery.
(545) The Best Definition of "deaths" I’ve Heard So Far.
(546) "deaths" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note.
(547) What is the best definition of "deaths"?
(548) What is the definition of an "deaths"?
(549) What Is "deaths"? Detailed Definition and Meaning.
(550) Use "deaths" in a sentence.
(551) The Word "deaths" in Example Sentences.
(552) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "deaths".
(553) What is definition of "deaths" by Merriam-Webster.
(554) "deaths" in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...).
(555) How do you write a good sentence with "deaths"?
(556) "deaths" sentence examples.
(557) "deaths": In a Sentence.
(558) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "deaths".
(559) How do you explain "deaths"?
(560) What can I say instead of "deaths"?
(561) What is a synonym for "deaths"?
(562) What is a antonym for "deaths"?
(563) What do you mean by "deaths"?
(564) What is another word for "deaths"?
(565) What is the best definition of "deaths"?
(566) What is "deaths" definition and meaning?
(567) How to use "deaths" in a sentence.
(568) The Word "deaths" in Example Sentences.
(569) "deaths" meaning in english, "deaths" definitions.
(570) Primary meanings of "deaths".
(571) Full definitions of "deaths".
(572) Full meaning of "deaths".
(573) The Word "deaths" in Example Sentences.
(574) Best definition of "deaths".
(575) Define "deaths" in one sentence, define "deaths" in one word.
(576) What is the meaning of "deaths" in a sentence.
(577) The Word "deaths" in Example Sentences.
(578) What is the origin and root of "deaths".
به جای حفظ کردن لغت deaths ، جملات کوتاه با deaths را حفظ کنید.
اگر واقعاً نمی توانید از حفظ کردن دل بکنید، به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی deaths، جملات کوتاه مختلف با لغت deaths را حفظ کنید. مثلاً به جای اینکه لغت “university” را به معنی “دانشگاه” حفظ کنید، عبارت “I go to university” به معنی “من به دانشگاه می روم” را حفظ کنید. وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی deaths، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه deaths را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از deaths در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.
جمله سازی با کلمه deaths
ساختن جمله با deaths به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی deaths است. اما برای اینکه مغز شما بتواند لغت deaths را در آینده به یاد بیاورد، بهترین راه استفاده از روش زیر است:
با لغت deaths ده جمله بسازید و در هر کدام از جملات معنای متفاوتی از واژه deaths که می خواهید یاد بگیرید را به کار ببرید. با ساختن جمله از لغات جدید به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.
شاید مهم ترین مفهوم در زبان، جمله باشد. یادگیری ساختار جمله (sentence structure) در انگلیسی و هر زبان دیگری امری بسیار ضروری است. هر زبانی گرامر خاص خودش دارد و بر اساس آن ساختار جمله مشخص می شود. همین نکته در مورد زبان انگلیسی هم صدق می کند. در این زبان هم در هر نوع جمله ای قواعد دستوری خاصی حکم فرما است و هر یک از آن ها نقش مهمی در رساندن دقیق منظورمان دارند.
یک جمله گروهی از کلمات می باشد که در کنار یکدیگر قرار میگیرند و هر کدام از این کلمات اطلاعات خاصی را به ما می دهند. این کلمات اغلب با هم فرق دارند و هر کدام نقش خاص خودشان را در جمله دارند. از مهمترین اجزاء هر جمله می توان به فعل Verb، اسم Noun، صفت Adjective، قید Adverb، حرف ربطی conjunctions، حرف اضافه preposition، حرف تعریف و ... اشاره کرد.
ساختار جملات انگلیسی را می توان به 4 دسته تقسیم کرد.
جمله ساده با deaths
یک جمله ساده با deaths از یک بند اصلی که شامل فعل و فاعل است، تشکیل شده که اطلاعات کاملی در مورد یک اتفاق یا حالت را به ما می دهد. قاعده کلی ساختار این جملات به صورت زیر است:
فاعل + فعل قابل صرف
جمله مرکب با deaths
برخلاف جملات ساده، در جملات مرکب با deaths، دو بند داریم که با حرف ربط (Conjunction) یا ویرگول (comma) به هم متصل می شوند. نکته ای که باید در این جا به آن توجه شود این است که از آن جایی که دو بندی که در ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با deaths به کار برده می شوند، مستقل هستند، حتی به صورت جداگانه هم معنا می دهند. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات مرکب انگلیسی با deaths بصورت ذیل است:
بند مستقل + حرف ربط همپایه ساز + بند مستقل
جمله پیچیده با deaths
ساختار جمله پیچیده (complex sentence structure) با deaths همانطور که از نامش پیداست کمی با جمله مرکب با deaths فرق دارد. در جملات پیچیده با deaths، در کنار بند مستقل می توان از یک بند وابسته هم استفاده کرد. یک بند وابسته شامل حرف ربط وابسته ساز (Subordinating conjunction) یا ضمیر موصولی (relative pronoun) است. یادتان باشد این بند با این که فاعل و فعل دارد اما ممکن است معنای کاملی نداشته باشد. بنابراین یک بند وابسته برای این که مفهوم کاملی داشته باشد، به یک بند مستقل نیاز دارد. ترکیب نحوی ساختار جملات پیچیده انگلیسی با deaths بصورت ذیل است:
بند مستقل + بند مستقل وابسته
جمله پیچیده – مرکب با deaths
ساختار پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با deaths همانطور که از نامش می توان حدس زد، ترکیبی است از جملات پیچیده و مرکب با لغت deaths. یعنی از دو بند مستقل و یک بند وابسته تشکیل می شود. این بندها با حرف ربط همپایه ساز به هم متصل می شوند. ساختار جملات پیچیده – مرکب ( compound-complex) با deaths بصورت ذیل است:
بند مستقل + بند وابسته + حرف ربط + بند مستقل
– همواره سعی کنید در مکالمه و یا ترجمه فارسی به انگلیسی، از ساختار و کلماتی استفاده نمائید که خود افراد انگلیسی زبان (نیتیو) آن ساختار و کلمات را بکار می برند.
طبیعی است که برای این هدف لازم است شخص ترجمه کننده آنقدر متن انگلیسی خوانده باشد و نسبت به کالوکیشن ها و همایندهای زبان انگلیسی آشنا باشد تا بتواند به مانند انگلیسی زبان های نیتیو، مفهوم را منتقل کند.
مجدداً تاکید میکنیم که صرفاً با ابتکار و خلاقیت های شخصی، بدون تسلط به کالوکیشن های زبان انگلیسی به هیچ وجه این امر میسر نخواهد بود.
در این قسمت مهمترین سوالاتی که در خصوص جمله سازی با deaths و کاربرد کلمه deaths در جملات انگلیسی پرسیده می شود آورده شده است. امیدواریم با مطالعه این پاسخ ها به جواب مورد نظرتان دست پیدا کنید.
در صورتی که قصد یادگیری لغات deaths را دارید، پیشنهاد میکنیم که در قالب جمله انگلیسی با کلمه deaths و همچنین مطالعه مثال برای deaths، اقدام به جمله سازی با کلمه deaths نمائید تا بتوانید به هدف استفاده از deaths در جمله نائل شوید. تحقیقات علمی ثابت کرده است که به یاد آوری کلمه deaths به کمک همین جملات با deaths و مکالمات (که به آنها زمینه می گوییم) بسیار ساده تر از حفظ کردن لغت deaths می باشد.
وقتی شما به جای حفظ کردن لغت انگلیسی deaths، جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با کلمه deaths را حفظ می کنید، حداقل مطمئن هستید که می توانید به درستی از deaths در جمله استفاده کنید. در ضمن، به طور ناخودآگاه نیز گرامر زبان انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید.
ساختن جمله با deaths به شما کمک می کند تا واژه ای را که آموخته اید در جمله به کار ببرید و موقعیت استفاده از آن را به خاطر بسپارید. شاید بتوان گفت این بهترین روش یادگیری سریع لغت انگلیسی deaths است. با ساختن جمله برای لغت deaths به مغزتان کمک می کنید تا یاد بگیرد، زیرا به طور فعال در فرآیند یادگیری دخیل می شود.
در صورتیکه این مطلب برای شما مفید بود، به ما امتیاز بدهید.
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